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Want to draw this idea for years~ ( ◞・౪・)

Originally was going to use this idea on characters such as Hilda or Rosa, but now when I decided to draw it I thought it will be better to draw Female Protagonist from Pokémon Go instead~

Hope you guys like this idea too~ (°∀°)b




I love it


She is beautiful. As far as new ideas, so far Parasite Experiment is my all time favorite, followed by Darkness X Orc. I would love another extreme "experiment" concept.


Wow so lewd! For a new idea, have you ever tried drawing a cute girl pole dancing?


THank~(*^▽^*) ooo Pole dancing!!~ That's a really good idea!!~╰(✧∇✧╰)


Thank you~~ m... extreme "experiment" concept... I will give this a think ( ゚3 ゚)/

Mana Ray

How about bondage combined with tickle torture?!

Frank Leo

I "like" this image design ... my two arms combined length is more than "12" inches, so there's the "12+" comment. ... my suggestion: bdsm slave girl, tied-up maid girl ... etc.


m.... I have been thinking about some bondage ideas... but tickle torture LOL I will have a think on that XDD


LOLOL anyway glad you like this~ BDSM Slave girl~ sounds great~ Thanks for ideas~