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This drawing is funded by my online game friend, she really liked this drawing idea for some reason“ヽ(´ ▽`)ノ”

These kinda of top down view pose is always quite hard to do, I think I did okay on this one (;´3`)

I also try to make the tea look more milky mixed like etc, to show off the special "ingredient" (´◉◞౪◟◉`)

This drawing will also be available in the July pack. 



Frank Leo

Awesome. What "online game" do you play?


Thanks~ glad you like this~⊂((・▽・))⊃ These days I don’t really play many online games. ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜ I mostly just play FPS games such as Rainbow Six Siege and Killing Floor 2 I used to play a bit Tera too, but MMOs takes up too much time and makes me can't draw so in the end I stop playing MMOs.. ┐(´-`)┌