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So… if you have been following me for a while, you probably know I really hate doing university work this year… The course give you certain kind of freedom, but at the same time there is quite a strict theme you have to go with for most of the modules.. Most annoying thing is how the teachers really dislike anime art style, and sometimes will make fun of it in lectures, which resulting my mind reject doing university works even more…

Anyway, after procrastinating so much and after a few chats, I decided to just say fuk it and did a more mature type of anime style on one of the less restricted theme. In this task we have to pick a vehicle out of the list and draw a character for it, and after trying few times I picked a steampunk bike. This is actually my first time making a steampunk outfit design, but as this is university work I didn’t go too crazy on the designs in terms of how expose it can be. I took inspiration from the art of blade and soul and other mature anime style, and combine with my own style to draw this. Personally I prefer my normal anime style than this, the normal style is more moe and fun XD

So ya… just thought to show you guys the first university work this year I am actually proud of XDDDD and also, this WILL NOT be in any content packs in future LOL




Face is very different from your usual. Very pretty. Please, make more with that style.

Mana Ray

This is fantastic! You are a very skilled artist in my view, and I studied Art History. It sucks that the teachers denigrate anime style, although I see how this would be the attitude in academia. What do the professors dislike about anime?

Takuya Sawatari

She is pretty, but I agree that your normal style is cuter. Those academic types can be a real pain with their retarded elitism. Let's hope they at least manage to rate this objectively. I think it's a good design.


haha thanks~ Its not really about elitism, but more about they simply don't understand anime as an art style, which I think its ridiculous... I showed it to my main teacher and he thinks this style should be fine... so just gotta hope for the best..


Thank you~ To be honest I am not as skilled as you guys might think 0x0 but anyway thanks. I know right? I expected games art teacher will be more open minded, but yet I still encounter problem like this… I actually asked them before, and their reason is that anime follows the same rules, and it is always the same thing etc., which is totally not true as you can clearly tell the difference in art style, facial and anatomy structure on different artists… On my third year of uni I actually got into a huge argument with my professor because of how he denigrate anime style, saying it is all the same etc… sigh.. =x=


Haha ye my friends also said it is really different from my usual works XD Hm… I will consider it… but as mention I prefer my usual style as it is more cute and refined, I will think on it 030


I have to admit, this is a little different from what you usually do, but otherwise I think it still looks great. I know you're kinda stressed about uni work being so hard on you, but ypu'll pull thru, I know you will.


It is different in a good way or bad way? XD Haha I hope I will too, thanks.