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Ben wondered how he had ended up in this situation. Just yesterday, he was picking on that scrawny nerd from the math club, Toby, and now Toby was literally fucking his brains out while Ben could feel his body blowing its second load from the crazy sensation.

"Who's the math bitch NOW, you dumb jock?" Toby growled. The dog was clearly working through some pent up frustration.

"G-guh... m-mee..." Ben drooled out. "I... m-me dum... m-maff..."

"Damn right you are," Toby said through pants and moans, loving this feeling. His modular ray was certainly a success, though it was a little disappointing he wasn't able to pop off the parts of whoever he shot with it. He had learned this firsthand when he had shot himself with it, hoping to be able to easily detach his head. They had to be chopped. Ben was a perfect guinea pig: big, slow, and stupid. "Maybe when I sew you back onto your body you'll learn some respect for your superiors!"

Toby grunted as he blew his load in tandem with Ben's body. The cum shot from his cock and dripped down the shaft, down the side of Ben's head.

"Ahh... actually... I bet I could make better use of that bulk than you could..." Toby said, eyeing his sharp knife. They say a doctor who operates on himself has a madman for a patient, but considering the situation, what's a little more madness? Toby knew it was time to ditch his scrawny body and trade up to a sexier, more powerful model, and Ben's neck was the only open one around. When his brain would finally unscramble itself, he was in for quite a surprise.



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