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Looks like I might have Covid, though the keyword there is "might."

My mom tested positive today and while I didn't get to test because we ran out of home tests for now, I've got several symptoms, most prominently a pounding headache and aches in my neck. Last night, I woke up at 4 or 5 AM with the worst headache I had ever had in my life. I carpool with her to work 3 days a week and she's been coughing quite a bit recently. We both thought it was just allergies.

This is going to screw up my paycheck for my part time job that I can't get sick leave at so I have to go full tilt into emergency comms. This also means Swaptember is going to have to be put on hold for a little while, no more than a week or so. Once I feel a little better and I have a more comfortable amount of money in my bank, I'll resume and do a quick burst to makeup all the ones I missed.

The weird part is my dad also took a test and was negative. It could be any number of things, but I'm hoping for a false positive. Given the other symptoms we (as in my family) have and don't have, we may have all just caught some other bug, but I think we'll know for sure when my dad brings home more tests tomorrow. Either way, it's gonna screw up my work hours for the week so I really have to concentrate on comms.

Between you and me, I'd really like to have a month where I don't get dangerously low on money. I'm *really* sick of having to take more comms while I already have a backlog just to stay afloat, but I haven't gotten a chance to really rest this entire year and it's interfered with my upkeep of this Patreon and lots of other aspects of my life.


Fergus Wyrm

That sucks. I wish you good health.