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It may sound weird, but this was actually Teddy’s idea! The lovable jock bear wanted a way to build muscle quick and Petri was happy to oblige with an experimental serum. Just one injection and the results were almost instant! The thing is, due to some pesky law of conservation of mass or whatever, the muscles had to come from somewhere. Teddy was more than willing to give up his head for quick gains. He’s still in there, don’t ask how but he can still hear, see, and think.

But Petri wasn’t satisfied. She knew Teddy could get bigger, though the mass would have to come from somewhere else. And then it hit her, she could be the solution to her own problem! It took a couple days to re-factor the serum, but before long, she had devised a way to use her own body’s mass to add to Teddy’s. Now her head sits proudly perched atop the big sexy bear she helped get swole, though she’s got very little influence over what the body does. Remember, Teddy’s still very much in there! She’s mainly there to give people something to look at other than his enormous cock when talking to him.

As for a way to reverse the procedure should either of them want that… well, it shouldn’t be too hard to think of… right?



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