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Meet 6 close friends from the Willowsborough Institute for Applied Transformations!

(also known as WIAT)

This college, located in scenic Willowsborough, New Hampshire, is a prime spot for anyone wanting to break into the exciting and growing field of transformation science and magic. Tuition is low and the quality of education is very high, but it comes with a catch: from the moment your first semester starts til the moment you graduate, you are locked into a transformation picked at random. You can't be altered in any other way, you're stuck with whatever body you get for the entirety of your education. On the bright side, you get the ability to change freely between your normal and kinky body once you graduate, as well as the freedom to once again experiment with any other kinky tf you wish.

While it's not required by any means, students can often be seen walking around the campus totally naked, as some of the bodies they've been given would be incompatible with clothing.

As for these specific characters...

Nick and Gwen arrived together, so their transformations were themed similarly. They've been dating since high school, when Nick was the star football player and Gwen was the head cheerleader, though now their roles on and off the field are reversed. Gwen has always been one to go with the flow, she's usually quite shy and reserved, but her huge muscular male body has afforded her a new confidence. Nick, on the other hand, has adopted some of Gwen's former shyness. Although he enjoys his new body, he still feels awkward when he catches his jock buddies staring when they think he isn't looking. They wouldn't dare stare while Gwen is around though, she's on the lookout to beat up anyone who would make her boyfriend uncomfortable and easily dwarfs all Nick's jock friends. Their relationship is semi-open, as long as they keep each other appraised of who else they want to fuck there's no issue.

Nina was the captain of her high school's volleyball team. She is more than happy to take advantage of her new arms to dominate at the sport. She's very outgoing and bold, always happy to make new friends. She became fast friends with Nick thanks to their shared interest in sports, though there was some initial confusion on Nina's end when she learned he used to play on the men's football team. Ever understanding, however, she's been the most directly supportive with helping Nick become accustomed to his female body, offering advice and education where possible, even with demonstrations in some cases. If there's one thing Nina isn't it's shy.

Tawna is Nina's best friend. They me tin the library where Tawna was attempting to reach a book on a high shelf, not an easy task when your head is stuck a few feet lower than everyone else's. Nina spotted her having trouble and was more than glad to assist. Their friendship quickly blossomed. She's easily the smartest of the group, always the bookworm. She speaks her mind and tends to try to solve all her problems from a perspective of pure logic, though this sometimes backfires for her.

Cooper is an introverted nerdy guy who would rather spend his time modding his favorite video games than going to parties. He's the literal embodiment of the old saying about losing his head if it wasn't attached. He often forgets it when he has to run to class or into the next room, despite how hard you might think it'd be to forget your head somewhere. He's modified his computer desk to have a special rotating platform for his head while he uses it so he doesn't have to constantly reposition it to look at his multiple monitors. Other than misplacing his head occasionally, he's adapted reasonably fast to remote controlling his body. He's one of the lucky few students that can still wear all his clothes, though he doesn't mind being naked like everyone else.

Justin, surprisingly, is a promising law student with aspirations to arbitrate in cases of misuse of transformations. Around his friends, though, he's a bit of a disruptive presence. He loves to steal Cooper's head and toss him around, and while Cooper might protest, the two are very close. Justin frequently catches Cooper sneaking glances at his extremely large cock that protrudes from his shoulders, but is waiting for Cooper to work up the nerve to admit his feelings himself. While he might play one too many pranks on his friends and poke fun at their transformations, he's totally unashamed about his own altered body and is fiercely loyal. He's always the first one to be ready for a fight against anyone who actually tries to give his friends trouble.


I'm currently working on some more characters to fill out this universe, some more students and even some professors, but if anyone is interested in getting any pieces with yourself and any number of these characters, please let me know! If your kink isn't shown here, it'll probably show up soon.



Fergus Wyrm

Original characters! I love them ^^


God do I love Cooper
