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Hey guys, been a looooooong while, yeah sorry ever since I moved to Commissions, Patreon has taken a very comfy and almost permanent back seat when it comes to content and such, a lot has happened these past few months that I wanna let you guys in on.

First of all, school went well, nothing amazing but good enough, saving up for the next semester has been hard but its a rewarding process nonetheless, in fact, I'm ahead on certain things which is why I wanted to say that over the next few weeks (Once I finish my current batch of commissions) I will be dedicating my time to finishing all of the pending sketches once and for all!

It's certainly about frickin time I actually make the time for it and pump them out in one big sketch dump, so you can expect it to be posted around the start or middle of August, the point is, it's coming for sure this time!

I seriously can't thank all you guys for helping in establishing myself as a possession/body swap content creator, not the best but I at least have that going for me lmao,  I certainly didn't see myself like this 2 years ago when I was just starting out, its uber cool to reflect on how things went and where I am now, in a much healthier and satisfied mental state when it comes to me as a person and with my work.

I'm finishing up my therapy sessions as well, those have helped me make a lot of decisions I probably wouldn't have made without proper help, but even so, I don't have a solid idea for this page, I'm open to doing something with it but I'm not sure as to what to do with it, maybe turn it into a full "Donation Only" thing for anyone wanting to support and help me out during my artistic and school endeavors but we'll see.

I think thats all I really have to say at the moment, hope you guys have a good one and are excited to finally have the sketches coming in August, took me whole ass (almost) year but by god I'm gonna have it done by then! (*v*)b


Joseph Whitfield

I'm glad to hear things are going well for you in RL! So many things don't seem to be going well for others nowadays, so hearing something positive is refreshing.