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Yo, how goes it? It's me, ya boi. Here to bring thee a new comic and a quick update as to what I'll be doing in December turns out Nothing! 

I'm going to be taking a break in December, last year it wasn't too bad with my work as I was able to manage it along with going out to the obligatory festive get-togethers but with how things have gone over the year and my Patreon becoming a much bigger and more serious thing now, I doubt I could handle work and give the family the time it needs (plus just generally having a break for myself).

So yeah, everyone will still get Novembers rewards but the month of December will be on pause, but you can still look forward to the Monthly Sketch Dump and the Comic, there will be no poll for it, it'll be an opportunity for me to do one on my own as I have done previously.

Now then, onto the poll! For this month, we'll be going back to the time-tested method of creating mistrust and wacky scenarios in media! Body swapping of course!  

Get to choose from 3 ideas I've had rolling around in my noggin for a while, plus a more original story will do well to break up the previous ones influenced by popular media!


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