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Hello, I'm doing this to keep you in the loop, but also for myself as I need to refocus on what I'm delivering. I want to give you a clearer look at what to expect in the future and also an opportunity to comment on what I'm saying here.

Here is my series in alphabetical order:

Animal Café:

I don't plan on stopping the series, but I'm planning on slowing it down. After almost 30 episodes, multiple micro-stories(sweet pets), and a big crossover, I only have 2 important arcs to work on; Clara's crush on Oreo, and Lucy's backstory. For the former, that arc will probably end in the next chapter, and the latter, that is a much larger chapter that I'm working on right now. Once those are published, I'm honestly not too sure about where it will go. I can also see the interest slowly dying, so maybe it's time for something a bit fresher of the same style. (again, I don't want to end the series because I love those characters too much)


As mentioned when I posted my last chapter, I'm in absolute love with this series. It is very difficult for me to know what the patrons think of it because I only got a handful of feedbacks on Discord. So, please, tell me what you think. A few more chapters are already drafted and they are very epic. If I weren't writing erotica, that would certainly be the style of stories I would like to write. That said, I have to admit that it's going a bit everywhere and it's hard to know what is happening. It's because I wanted it to be this way. Each chapter will bring a lot of unexpected surprises. Anyway, it's going to go for a while longer with one chapter every 1-2 months for now.


I have no plan on stopping this one either, but it is a "as time permits." The next chapter is going to be about the trip of Syr and Mark to... somewhere. I haven't started drafting the next chapter yet, so I'm not sure when you are going to see it. But to me, that's a keeper.

Fox & Spice:

I think it's worth keeping that one as so many people appreciate TSICS world. It's a fetish club and it is grounded in reality. Stories representing the real world is something I don't do a lot, so it's the perfect platform to write those. It's also an opportunity to bring back some old familiar characters from TSICS and Winter Maid.

Girls and Bridle:

Chapter 9 will be the final episode, hopefully in July. I want it to be a bigger chapter to end this fantastic series in a satisfying manner. I would say about half of my patrons were interested in that series, and perhaps more are waiting for the final full ebook. It's my favorite series and I'm sad to see it go. I do have an interest for a spin-of about Athena, the young girl that Hemlock met in the village, but it's just an idea for the future. Don't expect that anytime soon.

Parasitic Love: (Silver+)

I LOVE it. It might be my hottest series at the moment. If you love bondage, latex, parasite with fun powers and a kinky attitude, this one is for you. I hope I'll be able to continue this one for a long time. Lots of hot sex, and lots of tentacles stuffing every hole. I have a few chapters drafted already.

Tackling the debt:

At some point, I just had too many series, so I put tackling the debt on the back burner. That said, synthetic girls are hot and the small romance between a guy and her inanimate body was going in a very nice direction. I WILL continue it, just not sure when. But I have this little feeling that it's going to be in the upcoming months.

Women will save the males: (Silver+)

Might be canceled. That's another case of no feedback. I like it personally, but there doesn't seem to be an appetite for it. I'm not quite sure if it's worth continuing. Let me know in the comment if you have an interest in it. I will certainly write Chapter 4 very soon (aiming at July) but if it's still radio silence, I'll simply kill it.

Upcoming work:

Star Pets Deep Space Adventure: This one might begin soon, particularly if I slow down Animal Café. I got my idea for the first chapter already, but it is not a priority at the moment. They will be smaller chapters not impede with the other bigger series.

Pet Boy: This is a 5 chapters series that I've been working on as a bonus gift for my patron who likes gay stories. Since it is not the content I usually publish on my site, it's going to be a single eBook. I'm hoping to finish it soon. (it's just a bit hard because it's not a topic that drives me really.) I personally think it's a good and cute romance story worth reading.

Concept stories:

Codename - Plant: I started thinking about a story about a plant swallowing cute girls and coating them nicely with latex, pumping them with fun hormones, and playing with their minds, all in a consensual manner. I drafted 1 page for fun and I liked it, but then I went for Parasitic Love instead. Let me know if that kind of plant thing is your thing. ;)

Codename - Reincarnation: That one is following the Japanese anime trend of a guy who dies and reincarnates as a cute girl. I drafted a few pages of the concept and I really really liked it. It's a comedy and it's very sexy too. Interested?

Codename - Petgirl rental: I'm sure this one will pick your interest. It's something that we discussed recently on Discord and I really liked the idea. Imagine a company that rent fully encased petgirls, but the girls in them are volunteers. (or maybe not) Those rubber petgirls are shipped to different people to do all kinds of fun and sexy things for a period of time.

A survey will follow this post and you can vote on your favorite stories and concept, but do please comment if you can. I want you to have a voice.





It all sounds very exciting and I'm looking forward to the future.


Reincarnation and Petgirl seem like cool concepts.


Thanks for keeping us in the loop. This sounds like a good plan, as your work is always best when you are most passionate.


I haven't commented before, sorry for that. I'll be honest, I came here for Animal Café. I actually think there's a lot of things you could do in there, and keep hoping for longer chapters myself, so in regards to me there is definitely not less interest! Please don't let it slow down, it's already to slow! Ahhhh!


That's true. Which makes it a bit difficult sometimes because my patrons are not big fans of my favorites series (Dive, G&B) ... Ah well... I'm doing not too bad so far at keeping people happy. :)


It's okay not to comment often, but it is important to voice your opinion so I know people have an interest in this or that. As for Animal Café, I agree with you, I'm sure I could still write a lot about it. But I have to make sure I'm doing something I like. AC was originally only a small fun series that I created on a weekend and I never meant for it to become this big. Simply put, my patreon is not only about AC. I need to write about various subjects to keep my head healthy and stay productive :) Don't worry, your favorite characters are not going away anytime soon. ;)


The Plant concept seems really fun would love to see that one roll somewhere.


Me too. That's my favorite concept. I think it will happen after Parasitic Love. I don't want too many "mind-control" "alien/tentacle" things at the same time. :) But go plants go!


I have tried to join discord a few times but the links i tried always said expired so gave up. I agree AC start to dry up since most stuff in the cafe already been writen. There is still alot posibilities with them going back to school and dont the pets have some vacation time saved up to go away on a trip. There is a place maybe Kitty could recommend ;) Dive i think turned up a few notches with chapter 3. Can see alot posible outcome for chapter 4 and 5. I hope feliformia will get a chapter soon too. How will it be now that Kitty actually got a job. Girls and Bridle i can understand that the story arc need a closure. But it would be fun to get the spinoff going. Parasitic love, F &S and Women will save the males i like but not as much as the other stories.


Thanks for your input. The Discord link is supposed to be fixed now. It's a link that doesn't expire. I fixed it a couple of hours ago. What happened is that I saved the new link in the post, but when people clicked on it, it was pointing to the old one. I tried to update it a few times before I found the issue. That is Patreon for you. I saw the same kind of problems in my story index. Sometimes the only way to make it work is to erase everything and start fresh. If you try the discord link now, it should work. Please let me know if it doesn't.


First off, I absolutely love all of your stories. There is a effortless feel to them that just lets the reader get fully absorbed into the story and feel a part of it. I first read G&B -because as a RL Ponygirl (and a Grand Champion) naturally I was drawn to the storyline there. I would love to see aspects of it continue, and perhaps flow back to some of the original characters at some point as well. From there I branched to Fox & Spice, and once again found a connection with the characters. I could definitely see myself going to a club like that, and probably getting involved. Feliformia was next - and wow! The level of personality in each character blew me away. I feel like I have been invited in as part of the family, and never want to leave. Then there are the crossovers between the stories and all of the vignettes we get. You have truly created a wonderful universe where we get to be part of not just the good and fun stuff, but the difficulties and challenges as well... and that is what sets your writing apart from many others. I have been diving (see what I did there?) into your other stories recently as well, and I have to say there hasn't been a bad one in the bunch. Though those I listed first are definitely my favorites, I will follow your adventuristic mind wherever it leads. Perhaps some of the stories will go on hiatus while you focus on others, and perhaps you will return to them when inspiration strikes. Whatever the case, I know that I will continue reading, and supporting, your work.


Oh, and one more thing. You must keep writing. You must! 😁


Well, that is a lot of nice words. I'm quite happy to hear where you are coming from how you progressed through my different series. I love hearing that from my readers. For G&B, I'm solidly convinced there will be a spin-of. When, I'm not sure. But since it's my favorite series, I will have a hard time walking away from that universe taking place in the 70s :) ... It's too special. Thanks for the awesome support and I hope my future work will keep you entertained during lonely nights. :)


speaking of Codename - Petgirl rental . May such service should have option where client and not regular provider gets delivered to another client?