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I bet not many of you remember Feliformia chapter 1. But when Mark met Kitty at the bookstore, the small catgirl wore a pair of glasses. (if you don't believe me, go back and read it)

After that moment, the glasses were never mentioned again.

So I'm asking you... What happened to the glasses?



I do remember them I just assumed he needed them to read. I thought they were mentioned again when she was studying for a high school diploma but when I went back to check I couldn't find it I must have just imagined it


That was exactly my thinking, reading glasses.(I have those, I can read without them but after a day at work I will develop a headache if I don’t use them) That said kinky librarian is very much in character


I started re-reading Feliformia again after the most recent chapter - I really do enjoy how things have changed since then. I also didn't realize how many things I'd forgotten about it, including the fact that they met at the library. It's been fun watching your writing develop from then.


Haha. I'm sure you could also tell the large amount of mistakes and typos in the old chapters :)


I went with other. I'm going with they were fake and she wore to make her look smart.


Kitty is lazy, so pretending to be a librarian to work is out of character. I think she just might make Mark read whatever she can't read to be lazy and annoy him 😜