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Sorry it took me so long to finish editing that one. But since I'm on a roll this month, I decided to finally process it. I don't know why it took me so long because when I reread it, I remembered that it was a story I adore.

In this Episode, Evelyn is still trying to figure out what she got into, how to survive, and how she could go back home. She also spends a lot of time with Nam, her questionable assistant, and starts building an interesting relationship.

Some sexy scenes and lots of world-building in this one. Dive is a story that will progress very very slowly, which is almost surprising because the chapters are fairly big.



  • You can find all the previous chapters in the Story index.
  • You can also chat with me on Discord. Please use the Spoiler-lounge channel to discuss new stories.



Dive: Fetish Evolved


A benefit of time between updates is enjoying earlier chapter again. I hope you are enjoying writing it. The twists are great and the ending cliff hangar wow.


I wholeheartedly agree. It sort of makes you realize how f’ing intense it would be to actually live in a video game