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Hi guys,

I will try this for a little while and see how it goes. I'm not sure if it will be temporary or permanent, but the goal is to allow you to discuss the stories and interact with each other. It's going to be a good alternative to Patreon's comment system that is not that great.

Here is the link to my new Discord Server.


Since I'm not going to be around all the time, I'm asking you to use common sense. Be respectful, kind, gentle... I really don't want any trouble that will get in the way of my writing. I just don't have time for that. ;)



ps: This is not a Patreon perk, so I reserve the right to shut this Discord Server down at any time without notice.



Hi, is the discord still a thing? If so the invite has expired.


It is. I didnt know the link expired. Im visiting friends at the moment but ill take a look at it tonight. Thanks for letting me know.


No problem, for whatever reason discord decided that a 24 hour link is the default


The link's dead :(


Yeah, the link was messed up. It wouldn't update with the right URL. Try again . It should work now. Thanks for letting me know. :)