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Happy Sunday!

21300 words. What was supposed to be 7000 words has turned into 21300 words. I spent well over 20 hours this weekend in front of my computer, editing this text so I could publish it tonight. I must have worked 50 hours total on that chapter. And I'm pretty happy with the result, so now I just have to cross my fingers and hope you like it too.

Felifomia 14 is the full crossover chapter that occurred very briefly in Animal Café not too long ago. I would like to say that you don't need to read Animal Café to appreciate this chapter, but that is not the case. If you have a deep knowledge of Animal Café, it will definitely provide you with a better experience, still, it is not mandatory.

The other thing I want to point out is that this is Feliformia, not Animal Café. The focus is entirely on Kitty the whole time, but Syr, Mark, and Erika will be there as well.

Also, if you only read Animal café and not Feliformia, you may want to read this chapter even if you don't know the characters because there is a lot of new information about Lucy, the café, and the pets.

Anyway. Enough words. 21300 are enough already. I will let the story speaks for itself.



ps: I think I'm going to eat an apricot now.



Luckily i started reading before you posted that comment about the ending and came back to express my gratitude, as well. ;)


When i sudgested i wanted to see what happened in the Cafe from Kittys eyes i never expected this long chapter. But i must say i loved it and you made it so good i had to read it all at once even if it was so long :)


Love the chapter! Was definitely worth the extra wait! Good job Tigerstretch!


This is why I am here. Your pery kinky sweet and loving story made me cry just now. It is amazing what you manage to put into these characters. Thank you. P.S. I have to echo the sentiment that a longer wait is perfectly fine for a longer story like this. It has more impact and more depth and let's the characters breath. I fully understand that shorter stories are easier and it won't change my commitment to your work. But as a reader, the work (and wait) is soooo worth it.


I'm glad you enjoyed that long chapter. I'm proud of it too. The first half was incredibly hard to write, and I was convinced it was crap. When I edited it, I realized that it was much better than I thought. And then, when I wrote the second half, everything fell into place as it usually does. :)


Great ending. Love ending


Loved the character development, adored it


Very good story, regretfully took me a while to finish so I'm a bit late with commenting. The coming together and separating of these two storylines must have been very difficult, but I think it's masterfully done, with the right amount of attention to all characters. Love the personal growth of Kitty. Thank you for waiting with publishing until it was this good 🥰


Glad you liked the chapter. It was indeed very hard to write without causing conflicts in any of the two series. But it's done and people loved it, so I'm happy. :)


Wow. It was great to learn more about cakes and pets, and to see it from another's eyes