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If you read the schedule last Wednesday, you saw that Feliformia 14 is the next story to be published and that I hoped to post it over the weekend instead of today because it was much bigger than expected. (i estimated 12000 words)

Well... it is now MUUUUCH bigger than I expected... so big that I didn't even finish drafting it yet. The whole chapter will be about 20 000 words, which is almost the equivalent of what I'm posting in an entire month. All about Feliformia and Animal Café. (the crossover most of you waited for)

When can you expect to see this chapter?

I'm hoping to post this monster next Wednesday the 28th. I hope you'll understand the amount of work required on such a massive text and will forgive me for the small delay. It's unlike me to skip a Friday, but this time I really have no choice. I want to give you all an amazing experience and publish this giant chapter in a single serving.

Women will save the Males 4 will be posted as planned on the 30th as well. (it's already drafted and fairly short.) So basically, you'll get two stories back to back next week.

Thank you for your patience. I know you are looking forward to it. But I don't want to half-ass it. Keep your eyes open for a little extra tonight. I might put together a tiny Sweet Pets story to make your wait more bearable. ;)




Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I can imagine that the most ambitious crossover in history would be hard to write, so dont worry about the delay.


Thanks. Actually, it is very hard. The first part of the story drove me nuts because I was scared to write something that conflicted with the story and timeline. Note to myself... don't do crossover ever again. lol


This crossover is like The Avengers of the Tigerstretch universe.


Haha. Yes. Pretty much. I hope it wont disappoint. The editing might add a few thousand words to it. :(


Take your time. I know it will be worth the wait. Thanks for update.