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Perks update

As you know, I generally publish my stories on public site a month after I publish them here on Patreon. There is no doubt in my mind that some of you are supporting me partly (or entirely) for that benefit of seeing the new content right away. I'm the same. I want to receive my mangas the same day they are released or else I get anxious. ;) ... It's a luxury a lot of us like to have. So yes, it's one of the main incentive I offer to attract new patrons and keep existing ones.

I'm always looking for new ways to reward my patrons. This is why, gradually, over the course of the next couple of months, I will delay the publication of my stories on public websites from 30 days to 60 days. Once that transition is done, I will do the same and transition from 60 days to 90 days. This means that at some point this summer, if you are my patron, you'll get to read the stories 3 months before all the other humans.

I chose to do this gradually because I want this transition to be almost seamless for my non-Patreon followers. The Tiers description will be updated as I complete the transition.

I'm amused (and troubled)

At the moment, I'm publishing my stories on Gromet's plaza and Literotica. Never had a single issues after almost 60 publications. I recently attempted publishing my work on Lushstories, but everything went wrong. I published The Sun I Can't See and they mislabeled it as an "incest" story, which is a fetish I don't promote. I notified them of the error, and they professionally answered and fixed their mistake. So I was hopeful... Kind of...

With The Sun published, I decided to go ahead and publish the first chapter of Animal Café because it is my most popular story. I was looking forward to share this pure fetish story with the Lush community. (because everybody deserve to enjoy cute rubber pets)... But wait for it... wait for it...

The story was rejected by the mods because "it was not erotic" ... After a back and forth with the mods, they all agreed that Animal Café cannot be publish in the fetish category because there was no sex in the first few chapters and Clara had not vocalized her desire to have sex with the pets right off the bat. (Basicaly, Clara should have walked in the café and, despite her communication disorder, she should have said "Oh my, I want to fuck all the pets"... Can I have a cake now?") Therefor they asked me to modify the story so Clara has sex with the pets or at least express her desire to do so.

I tried to explained that the readers were intelligent enough to decide what was erotic to them or not. That many fans of Animal Café, even though there was no sex in the earlier chapters, were turned on by the mere thought of going to such a café and/or imagine themselves enclosed and helpless in a rubber pet costumes. That argument was dismissed. For Lushstories mods, an erotic fetish story must include sex or reference to sex, which I can't morally agree with.

Bottom line, I flat out refused to modify Animal Café to match this incomprehensible position and will possibly have to leave Lushstories. A lot of my material doesn't include sex because I focus more on the storylines and character development. This seems to conflict with the content Lush mods want to see on their site. That's their prerogative, so I'm not mad at them the slightest and fully respect their decision, but mine is to refuse to denature my series because of their "interesting" perspective. I'm just a bit... baffled. haha ;)

I never thought an erotic story website wouldn't see Animal Café as being a fetish story. Maybe all the petgirls should have large exposed leaking dicks? Is that what it takes to get published these days?


sean hagans

That’s so screwed up. And unfair. They do not understand the meaning of fetish or anything else with the stories for that matter. Sex is not the only thing


Fairness is not a thing in this case. It's their website and they can publish whatever they want and I don't have a word to say. But I agree with you; their idea of a fetish story is a bit distorted. They will deprive their fetishist reader of an excellent story(and a decent author?) and all the steamy sex scenes that would occur at a later point between Clara and rubber pets. I mean, do you remember the sex scene between Trixie and Clara in Chapter 17... How much more sexual can it get? I also think anticipation that sex might occur at some point is also a turn-on. There is plenty of that in Animal Café.

sean hagans

Very true. And good stories take time to develop to those sex scenes. And animal cafe is one of (if not) the best I’ve ever read at building up to those points. And it sucks that they believe it’s not what they want.


It is absurd that Animal Cafe is not accepted as a fetish story. For me, fetish stories are precisely those stories in which the erotic does not come from sex (directly). Fetish is even defined as something erotic (sexually arousing) that has nothing to do with sex (such as materials or non-sexual body parts). What about fetish topics like chastity or foot fetishes?


That was my question too. Im quite confused about their decision. AC is definitely fetish. There is no question about that... Come on... Latex petgirls... Would that be a topic for a childen story? As I said, i respect the decision, but its so weird coming from an erotica website. ;)


The idea AC is not fetish is very baffling. I totally agree with you and other comments. A fetish in my mind can take many forms. Laughed at childrens story. Latex easily meets fetish definition.


It's true. Finding a children's book on this topic would be extremely distressful. lol


I've always appreciated your approach to fetish fiction, that it's not "here's a bunch of sex that also involves fetish gear" (though that kind of writing has its own merits).


Thanks. I appreciate that a lot. Yes. You are right. Both styles are good. I write brute sex stories like Tasting Night occasionally, but most of my fetish stuff needs to have an interesting storyline with characters people can relate to. I'm lucky to have a lot followers who believe the same thing. :)


It's a bit weird they do not see AC as fetish, but in this case you're right that it's their website and they can do whatever they want, and so can you. Please don't change AC just to get it published (except for typo's and other stuff *you* want to fix). The other way around we would probably easier accept it if a website says they do *not* want to publish incest/non-consent/... stories, instead of non-sex. I guess it's all in the communication and expectation management.


I will not touch a hair of Animal Café. It is a solid story and I won't adapt it to make it more sexual. Not a chance in the world. As for your second point, I thought about it... Did they really reject it because it there was no sex or because they didn't like the topic. If they didn't want this kind of fetish and preferred to publish incest and diaper fetish, they should have been honest. I don't think I will ever get the answer to that, though.


I'm not even the type of person who even likes sex at all - I'm fine with it, but it's not nearly the focus of my attention - and I still find these stories really erotic. This emphasis on "must have sex" annoys me to no end - this is why you end up having so many works that are basically Porn Without Plot, or any kind of logic or sense for that matter. Anyway, I know you said you're not mad at them but I'll exercise my right to be. We have enough literary 'quickies' scattered all over the net, what's wrong with having a slower-paced, deeper story? If they're going to miss out on a gem because of that, that's their own fault.


Well said. I made that very clear to them and intensely shared my disagreement about their line of thought. They kept their stance and I respect that. Clara should have gone to the café for a sexual purpose and asked me to modify the text. I let them know that it wasn't going to happen and that it would unfortunately end our cooperation. If AC doesnt go through, more of my work might get blocked like G&B where the two main characters are not doing anything sexual. I dont have time to adapt my fetish stories to make them about sex nor want to. Its okay, though. As you said, its their own fault. Up to them if they prefer 500 words stories without logic. ;)