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Here is your weekly update about what is coming next.


  • The little catgirl sneakily posted a message yesterday about a certain crossover between AC and Feliformia. ;) I think she got too excited for no reason. She made it sounds like there will be 4 full chapters of crossover, but that won't be the case. In Feliformia 13 and AC 20, it's just going to be a little hint of what is to come. Then AC 21 will be very much like your regular Animal Café with Clara and the pets more than with the Feliformia characters. I think Feliformia 14 will be the most interesting one in terms of crossover. So if you don't like crossovers too too much, don't worry. I have no intention of turning this into a Feliformia Café. ;)
  • I'm not sure I will have Interview with the Characters ready for Friday, but probably sometime over the weekend. Sorry, just too much to do.
  • We had a big snowstorm today. Thankfully I used Patreon money to pay for snow removal this year. :) ... See... that's useful. You support me, then I don't die of a heart attack shoveling. :) I appreciate that.
  • I'm always trying to see if I can squeeze in an additional story here and there. It's possible that I had more to the schedule as I find time to write and edit more stuff.

The 19th of February:

  • Girls and Bridle - Chapter 6
  • 8000 words
  • Nightshade and Hemlock meet their new owner, Stardust. Morning Star and Moonlight start training for their first Triple Crown race. Oh? Who is that girl sleeping on the couch?

The 19th-21st of February: (Tentative)

  • Interview with the characters #2

The 26th of February:

  • Women Will Save The Men - Chapter 2 (Super Fans +)
  • 4000 words
  • After being told that she would become the facility's pet, Isuki braces herself for what the sexy nurses are about to do to her. Some tails and ears will definitely be involved, and she will definitely be toyed with. ;)

The 05th of March:

  • Animal Café - Chapter 20
  • TBD
  • Chaos irrupts at the Cakes & Pets. Clara needs to rush down there with Oreo and end up with way more responsibilities than she can handle.

The 12th of March:

  • Feliformia - Chapter 13
  • TBD
  • Now that they are back from the Island, Kitty refuses to take off her latex catsuit again. The latex-free vacation on the island caused a deep trauma in the small catgirl. Will Mark, Erika, and Syr find a way to convince her to take it off and return to a more common-sense basis?

The 19th of March:

  • Girls and Bridle - Chapter 7
  • TBD
  • TBD

Story Index





Wow enjoy your snow, 42 degress here last week. ( for all of you still using imperial that is 107 degrees Fahrenheit) Looking forward to, well all of it :)