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Mermaid - Single Story

  • Ready
  • 7200 words
  • When latex and water cross paths.

Feliformia - Chapter 12 - Part 2

  • Ready
  • 8600 words
  • Kitty, Syr, Erika, Mark, Michelle, Mae, are looking forward to opening the inn. Of course, Kitty will cause trouble and Erika will to gut Mark like a fish. But hey, who is Mae?

Dive - Chapter 1

  • Ready - 5$+ tier
  • 10900 words
  • She just wanted to build cute houses and fish. How did it go so wrong?

No Stars - Chapter 2 (non-erotic)

  • Edited - Needs 2 review passes
  • 9700 words
  • Leo and Jane are on their way to pick up a scientist on the 2nd planet. Let's learn about that scientist in this chapter.

Winter Maid - Chapter 5

  • Drafting started
  • ~5000 words
  • Mia is offered chocolate before Christmas... of course, there is more to it... Her little device will slowly change her into something perverted... one chocolate at a time.

Animal Café - Chapter 17

  • Drafted - 1 editing pass and 2 reviewing passes to go
  • ~13000 words
  • I'm prioritizing this one over No Stars and Winter Maid. But I'll do my very best to post everything on time. It's going to be extremely challenging, but I think I can do it.

I just finished drafting Animal Café - Chapter 17... The one I'm supposed to post during the holidays...

And it is 13 000 words... which is 10 000 words bigger than all the previous chapters. It will take you about 1 hour to read it.

Many fans of Animal Café wanted a longer chapter. I hope this will be satisfying.

Now bear with me, It's going to be a real challenge to post this one on time as I have 1 editing pass and 2 review passes to do on it. (probably around 20 hours of work) If I'm a few days late, don't hate me. ;) It wasn't supposed to turn into something this enormous.

Thanks for your support. I will keep you informed if there are any delays.




Working hard! :D


Do your best. Thought your gift was ambitious. Merry Christmas to all. Good luck


It was very ambitious, yes. ;) But I think I'll be able to make it without extra delays. I woke up early today and torched through AC 17 editing and I just completed it. I just need to review it twice now. Such a good story.