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Happy Friday, (even if it's not Friday yet)

Misti broke her costume causing Lucy to be angry. The sad cat will be sent on an impossible errand. Good thing Clara is her friend.



ps: It will be a very special one for many patrons. :)



Well, that was quite the surprise.


That inquisitive cat was so close to figuring it out! She's definitely a bit too intense for Clara but I'm sure she'd love to go visit the cafe and play with the others. Who knows maybe we'll get to see the visit when the suit is fixed in a week's time ;)


The cliffhanger


I don't know if I can wait to find out what's in the boxxx


Loved this one with the crossover. Will the cat visit the other cats??? Great story. Thanks


I was wondering if this was where it's going. Also, the description of the bus ride makes the gears turn just a little bit. Kanata?


Oooh, that's a nice educated guess. Well done. That said, I have to shamefully admit that even though many elements of my stories are inspired by Ottawa city and culture (like the delicious deep-fried cheese curds), I don't consider that my characters live in my city. It is a fictional big city that resembles Ottawa, no doubt about it, but it is not it. Now about the bus ride, in my head, and don't ask me why, the characters were traveling south, which would have brought them to Barrhaven instead. Haha... maybe my imaginary friends are living there. :)


As always amazing


Well that made me smile so hard my jaw nearly fell off < REDACTED > was so adorable! cant wait to see how this is followed up!!!!


Such a lovely story, I had not expected that turn and then I was like... really why didn’t I? It’s such a perfect fit


Hehe. I hesitated for a long time. Not to worry though. Animal Café will continue without going deeper in this crossover. Just wanted to do a little fun thing while opening a few doors for the future. :)


Yay! Surprises are nice :)


All has been said before and I wholeheartedly agree with all of it :D