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Hello. As I mentioned in my previous Schedule post, I'm currently working on a Halloween special story for Gromet's plaza. Because of the deadline, I probably won't be able to post it here before... But there is nothing preventing me to give you an idea about what's coming. :) Enjoy this little prologue.

Six Blades Girl

He has never done any harm to anybody. Why? Why him? Why did his warm blood run through my fingers right now? Why were there too many deep wounds for me to plug at once? I cannot save him… His life is running down the street, helped by this cold night rain. 

His last word before passing out was my name. He didn't care that he had been stabbed; he didn't care about being in pain; he didn't care about getting numb and leaving this world… He had accepted all of this as soon as he was defeated and fell on the hard walkway concrete; he knew it was over.

All he cared about was saying my name, one last time.

"Ev… Evangeline!"

That was all he wanted to do before his lungs collapsed and became unable to fulfill their vital function. 

As I was hearing the police sirens approaching, I stood up and stared at nothing. Then a flash of brief lightning illuminated the scene long enough for me to see my distressed reflection in a large shop window.

It was a strange one.

It must have been my black raincoat that made me look different tonight… Or maybe it was my now-dead husband at my feet who took soul with him to the afterlife, only leaving my living corpse behind. Or even perhaps, I had chosen to go with him.

Whatever it was, my soul was no longer present… I was now an empty shell, standing in a world that was no longer mine.

I walked up to the shop windows and waited for the next lightning to reveal who I had become. The Gods didn't wait long before granting my wish.

A blinding zigzagging silver line sliced the menacing clouds in the sky… A lightning bolt so powerful that it caused the time to stop. Around me were the raindrops suspended in the air, frozen by a divine force.

I looked at my image in the window… and I had no face or couldn't see it anymore. But then, an angelical silhouette replaced me, one of unrivaled beauty. Her white skin was flawless, her naked body was perfect, and her blonde hair was straight and light. Her bright featureless golden eyes fixated me, and then her voice entered my mind clearly and effortlessly.

"Your soul has left your body. Why?"

"I… I don't know… I knew I couldn't live without him."

"Have you no regret? Don't you want to reconsider? Was this man worth so much to you that you would follow him to the afterlife?"

"Yes! I would give my life to stay with him."

"Foolish human. Have you no desire to stay alive to avenge him?"

"No… Gods can take care of that. I just want to stay with him."

"Would you really trust the Gods to avenge this man? Is your faith in them this strong?"


A faint smile appeared on the angelical woman's face, and a sudden strong wind started to blow, violently and persistently pushing my hair and hers sideways.

"You are alive. You cannot follow him just yet."

"Why not?"

"You haven't paid the price... yet."

"What.... what is the price?"

"Give me your body in exchange for crossing to the afterlife! Give it to me, and allow me to become the instrument of your vengeance. I will use this shell to feed on the sinners that caused you grief. I promise to leave nothing of the existence of your husband's murderer. Would you give it to me so I can carry this duty?"


The faint smile turned into a massive grin, and Two heavy black wings made of embers and ashes spread open from the divine woman's back. Her two hands came out of the window and grabbed each side of my head.

The time resumed, the lightning crashed, the rain fell, and my presence inside this body ceased.

From above, I could see it moving on its own, looking at its two hands, and spoke a few words using my voice.

"It's been so long… This body will do just fine."

She looked at the sky, filled her lungs with cold hair as a predator searching for prey.

"Haaa! There are six of them this time around. It is my lucky day!"



Wonder who the six are going to be and what she's going to do to them.