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Here is your weekly update about what is coming next.


  • I hope you liked the latest Animal Café. :) But now I'm in trouble and have a lot of work to do if I want to deliver all the stories below. Eek!
  • I realize that removing Animal Café and Winter Maid off the schedule caused confusion. As soon as I know when the next chapters will be ready, I will do my best to add them to the schedule so you know it's coming. 

The 18th of September:

  • Girls & Bridles - Chapter 2 - Pony Time
  • 8800 words
  • Moonlight is showing her true potential, Brittany is still a bitch but also shows one of her softer sides, Hemlock and Nightshade are still madly in love (and nymphomaniacs). There are also some new frictions between Penny and Paul stables.

The 25th of September:

  • Winter Maid - Chapter 4 - The Queen of Squirrels
  • 7000 words
  • Since Brian is now controlling the SusceptGear, he comes up with a creative challenge to entertain Mia. In this more humorous chapter, Mia has to face some of her fears and find her key to freedom. 

The 2nd of October:

  • The Sun I Can'T See - Chapter 4 (Part 2) (FINAL)
  • TBD
  • Drafting

The 9th of October:

  • Rubbercat Tails - Chapter 5
  • TBD
  • *Short Story for Super Fans+* After enduring home teaching from Erika, Kitty is attempting to pass her final exam to finally obtain her secondary school degree.

The 16th of October:

  • Girls and Bridle - Chapter 3 - Little Horseshoes
  • 10 000 words
  • TBD

Story Index





Whow, G&B 3 is going to be 10 000 words, long night of reading in October.


its not too bad. 10k is just over an hour read. it's the most requested format by the patrons. GB 3 is 10k, BG4 is 8k, GB5 is 16k (will probably split it into two parts) ... It really depends where the story leads me. I don't like watering down a story for the sake of making it shorter. I write for as long as it is necessary. It's something you have to live with if you are my patron. :) ... Those small animal café are a real challenge for me cause they are so short.