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Please make sure you read Girls and Bridle - Chapter 1 before reading this as it contains spoilers.

I got several requests to write a ponygirl story. It may not look like it all the time as I'm quite busy working on many series concurrently, but I listen to what you, guys, are saying. I always do my best to gauge the best story to write next, even if it's never perfect.

That said… A ponygirl story? I had NEVER read a single ponygirl story in my entire life… Sure, I know what a ponygirl looks like… kind of… They have legs .. and arms … Okay… I didn't know that either… So the thought of writing a ponygirl story was rather distressing.

But, TS being TS, I sat in front of my PC and typed a title … Then my finger got into motion, and I wrote words … lots of them… and it was so fun. It's not fair for me to say this, but you only saw chapter 1 so far, which was barely an introduction to the story… There are already 5 chapters written that I have to edit and review, which will take months because I don't want to flood the page with ponies. The story will more than likely go up to 10 chapters. So this is definitely a long term project.

Originally, when I started writing, I wanted to write sci-fi and fantasy. Erotica was simply a way to write short stories to learn how to write in English. Girls and Bridle is pretty much a byproduct of that desire. It's full of action, with good ponies, bad ponies, gentle ponies… but they will all evolve, switch, and merge over time. I really hope you'll learn to love those characters as much as I do.

So what is this story about? Well, Morning Star is the main character, the best racing ponygirl in the world. After being a victim of a nasty accident, she is out of commission and starts to make plans to compete in a different league that is less strenuous on her body. However, the rules are quite different, and she will need to find a teammate to pull the cart. If you read the story, you probably guessed that Moonlight would join her…

Moonlight… You'll get to know her. She is coming from a very different background, and it will be a lot of fun to read.

The bad(pink) team is AMAZING! In chapter one, there is already a complexity of character that I'm proud of. After the first half of the chapter, people could have thought that Nightshade and Hemlock were two demons, ready to do anything twisted to win… but we learned that it was not exactly the case. They are much more lovable than what was presented at first. I can't wait to show you more about those two.

Brittany is nuts, but she too will have a much deeper story. Actually, she kind of became my favorite character in this series… but I can't tell you why just now. :)

So yeah, I know it's not exactly the type of story that I usually create. It is not like Feliformia or Animal Café, but you'll see that there will be a BDSM component to it. From what I gathered, ponygirl fans are big roleplayers and take their training very seriously. So, on top of a robust storyline, there will be a lot of pony psychology. It will show how to train a pony, why to train them that way. Some explanations about the gear that they are using and more. I believe I found an original way to discuss those items while keeping things fun.

I don't feel guilty for trying such an aventurish story. Hopefully, the other series will bring you a healthy amount of kinks if you don't like Girls and Bridle that much.

The inspiration for Girls and Bridle came from 2 main things. I have a test reader that is really big into ponies, so I partly started this for her, but also from Secretariat, the incredible racing horse who won the triple crown in the 70s. It's a bit stupid, but he is my favorite athlete ever. What he did at Belmont was nothing short than impossible, and I admire that horse so much.

If you don't know Secretariat, I encourage you to youtube it, because his story is really worth knowing. And if you do educate yourself about that horse, you'll notice certain elements of his story sprinkled here and there in Girls and Bridle.

Alright, that is it for now, I really do hope you like the first chapter, or at least you thought it was good enough to read the next chapter coming next month. I'm personally very proud of this story, and I'm looking forward to presenting more of it to you.

Thank you to everyone that supports me, and that encourages me to try new things. This story would probably have never existed without your Patreon support. So, THANK YOU!


PS: Oh! I almost forgot... the title of this story was inspired by the anime series Girls and Panzer. ;)



Reading the story gave me such an 80’s feel good sports movie vibe, I would also totally see this as an anime.


Agree with Leon. Yes great intro. Cannot wait to see where you take us. Thanks for writing.