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Here your weekly update about what is coming next.


  • I hope you enjoyed Animal Café 1-5. I won't plan a schedule for those. Those little chapters will keep popping up at random times. It was really fun to publish 5 of them in such a short time and see your reaction. :)
  • Make sure you send me your questions for Interview with the characters. Only one person sent me something so far. It was really fun last time, so don't be shy. You can ask anything to whoever you want.

The 24th of July: 

  • Winter Maid - Chapter 3
  • 10000 words
  • Now that Brian is going away for a full week, what kind of trouble will Mia get into? Probably a lot of it! She kind of like this little hypno-device too much.

The 31st of July:

  • Interview with the characters - Session 2
  • Send me the questions you have for any characters of any stories. You can ask them anything and the questions will all be asked anonymously. Because of the number of patrons, and the works that it requires to make this happen, I will ask you to limit your questions to 3 per person.

The 7th of August:

  • Feliformia - Chapter 11 - Friendship
  • 22000 words
  • Final of Syr's story. Don't worry if you are a bigger fan of Kitty or Erika or even Mark. It is Syr's story, but the focus is equally distributed on all characters in this one. What will make it special is that the story won't be told exclusively from Mark's point of view. I will be using the 3rd person to follow the characters that are not around him at certain points in time. 

The 14th of August:

  • TBD
  • 4000 words
  • *Short story for Super Fans and up* 

The 21 of August:

  • Girls and Bridle - Chapter 1 - The fastest pony on Earth
  • 10000 words
  • Follow the adventure of a bunch of racing ponygirls from different stables in their attempt to achieve their goals of becoming champions. It is full of action, drama, romance, juicy girl on girl sex.

Story Index




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