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 Flash! Flash!… Flash!

A cloud of fine sandy dust formed around the black hoof that hit the ground in the hallway leading to the race track...

Flash!… Flash! Flash!

… followed by another, and another. The bright lights emanating from the multiple cameras were immortalizing their subject and making it shine for the fervently awaiting crowd to admire.

Her powerful latex covered thighs occasionally twitched, betraying the febrility of the ponygirl. Her torso, too, was made of shiny rubber and was surrounded by a perfectly fitted leather harness, which was contouring her breasts and curves flawlessly.

The tightly-laced pony boots gripped the soil and pulled the cart attached to her hips effortlessly despite the driver's weight. Her cuffed wrists were linked to her sides by short chains, forcing her elbows backward; it was cosmetic at best since her training made this restriction unnecessary.

The cheers of the crowd were close now, a couple more steps from the athlete, and they would be roaring of joy for their number one ponygirl. She was part of the elite for the past three years and gained everyone's heart with her beauty and style.

Even though her leather ears mounted atop of her bridle were not real, she could hear everything. Eyes closed, she embraced the feeling to have someone she trusted with her life guiding her. Her perfect white teeth were comfortably biting on the rubber bit, but there was no smile; this was work.

Then, the intense sunlight hit her face, exposing her charisma to thousands of eyes, which triggered an explosion of happiness all over the stadium. A light breeze put her long brown mane in motion, enhancing the spectacle.

She opened her eyelids fully, revealing her grey eyes and dilating her pupils instantaneously. Above her determined gaze, the white star engraved in her leather headband shone like never before.

Her name was Morning Star!


This particular sight was exclusive to the National Racing Ponygirl Association, which organized some of the most prestigious ponygirl races on the planet. Tonight was the most important of their calendar, the Super Cup. The winner would take home both fame and riches, along with the admiration of the 15000 spectators present on-site and countless more on television.

"We got gate number one. If we get in the front right off the bat, it will make life difficult for everybody else, but don't go crazy, okay? It's 800 meters. You don't want to run out of gas half-way through it."

Sophie was the small driver sitting in the cart pulled by Morning Star. The information she was feeding her ponygirl with was unnecessary, but it helped them focus on the task ahead. She knew the runner much preferred not to think about anything at all, so this little speech from the driver was just to show that she got things under control, and to take the pressure off her pony.

Morning Star trotted around slowly to get the blood flowing and keep those calves warm and ready for the upcoming painful exercise. At the end of the high-speed race, her entire body would be burning like fire.

"Heeey, Morning Shit! Ready to lose?"

"Ah, can't you keep your mouth shut for more than 30 seconds, Brittany? Leave my pony alone!"

"What's that, Sophie? You don't want your weak-minded animal to crumble under pressure?"

Brittany's brain hosted a mixture of stupidity and social failure. She was one of the nastiest people who had ever roamed this Earth and, unfortunately, for the past few years, her favorite target was Morning star.

She was doing this partially out of jealousy, but mostly because she was genetically engineered to be a moron. What made it much worse in her case was that she was driving one of the best ponygirls ever, Hemlock. Whoever put this athlete in the hand of Brittany had to be out of his mind. But the sad reality was that she managed to win races, and for some odd reason, she had good chemistry with her superstar ponygirl.

Hemlock was good. Really good. Under her girly pink latex suit and harness, it was a war machine. On the race track, her long blonde hair floating in the wind was a beautiful sight. But her athleticism and beauty weren't the only reason she was a number one enemy; her attitude was downright concerning at times. Her prettiness was hiding an ill-intentioned individual ready to flirt with a disqualification to win the race. She and Brittany had been suspended more than once in the past.

As annoying as they were, the root problem was their owner, Paul; this man had too much money for his own good and was able to sweet talk officials to prevent his team from being expelled for good. Pony racing could sometimes be an ugly business.

Morning Star's owner, Penny, was not like that at all. She was an older woman who loved the sport so much that she always did everything to keep her ponygirl and driver happy. In return, they tried to win for her. She was the reason why everybody was training so hard in her stable.

"Gate 1 … Cart number 7 … Morning Star!"

"I'll wait for you at the finishing line, Morning Shit!"

"Brittany, you can really hope to win this one because, clearly, you left your brain in the locker room. You know… weight advantage."

"Go to hell, Sophie! Watch yourself on the race track!"

"Yeah, whatever you say, flooded-skull!"

After the usual series of insults, Sophie guided Morning Star to her gate while the announcer called the other ponies to the gates, one by one.

“Gate 2 … Cart number 14 … Tiantang Zhi Ma!”

"Ah, crap! I would have preferred to have somebody else next to us. We will have to be careful. She is very fast."

"Gate 3 … Cart number 89 … Hemlock!"

"Well, at least we're not next to them."

"Gate 4 … Cart number 13 … Nightshade!"

"Another bimbo-pony from Hemlock's stable. They shouldn't be a big threat to us tho…"

"Gate 5 … Cart number 42 … Biscuit of the Sea!"

"Gate 6 … Cart number 33 … Main Yak!"

"Gate 7 … Cart number 72 … Hilda Go!"

"Gate 8 … Cart number 50 … Fifty Shades of Hay!"

"Listen, Morning Star. Hemlock and Tiantang Zhi Ma are the only two who might cause us trouble. But we have to be careful of Nightshade because she will probably do all she can to interfere so her friend Hemlock can win. Stay close to the rail so nobody can pass us on the left, okay?"

Morning Star nodded and pawed the ground a couple of times. The only thing missing was an open gate and a freshly groomed dirt track. This race would be two laps, the most important of the year. 

The announcer's voice resonated through the metal speakers perched atop of some poles.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the annual Grand Cup of Ponygirl Racing. This year we have eight AMAZING competitors ready to put their heart on the track for you. All bets are off! This year, the winner will take home 250000$."

"Ladies and Gentlemen! ARE YOU READY FOR THE RACE?"

The huge crowd roared at the pointless question. There was no doubt this was a perfect day; the sun was out, people were lightly dressed, the lineup was incredible, and the ponygirls were all gorgeous! 



All the ponygirls pressed their leather headband on the metal gates to bolt out as soon as they would open. Using hands was not allowed, hence the cuffing, so this was the technique adopted by everybody.


The tension was so high in the spectator stands; everybody seemed to hold their breath. However, the ponygirls knew better; all of them breathed heavily to charge their blood with oxygen.


That was it… The moment had arrived. It was the most important day of the year, a day to ensure financial security to the winner. That said, Morning Star was not thinking about that.

She was not thinking about anything else than being a pony. She had a job to do, and it was running; everything else would be taken care of by her driver. The fear, the joy, the ambition, the hate, the frustration… She had been trained to put all of it aside and focus on running. Sophie would be the one dealing with the rest and she trusted her.




Very nice surprise :) Now go and have your week off! ;)


Hehe... yes, yes! The week I will spend writing and editing new material. :) It's going to be intense because it is also my last week at work before my "real" vacation begins. :) Ah, well, it was nice meeting you, I may not survive this! *acts dramatically*


Nice intro. Looking forward to the story.


Great. Vacation first. Enjoy. . .


There is a great transformation story u could look at for inspiration. This story has lots of details about transformation and training which is call " Kims tail" by rubberwolf


Welcome. And cool, I'll take a look. I'm already halfway in drafting this book and it's a very personal vision.