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WARNING: This story contains non-consensual content and very questionable behaviors from the characters. For the love of God, do not even think of attempting in real life anything you read in this story. Please do not read unless you are comfortable with non-consensual content.

Happy Friday, everybody!

This is the VERY requested sequel of Building Reality. Please read the following before reading the story, that is all I'm asking.

Building Reality was meant to be only one chapter. However, the number of requests I got for a sequel was absolutely insane. I discussed it with several readers about it and discovered that half of the people loved it because of the darkness and half of them loved it because of the rubber fetish. After that much arm twisting, I decided to write TWO sequels. One DARK and one GOOD.

Today, I'm publishing the DARK one. If you don't like that kind of story, you might get troubled by it. The good one will be published later this summer.

Now, Building Reality always been special, because it is NOT how I usually write. Originally, it was just an experiment. I loved the challenge to attempt copying the style of the first chapter, but to be honest, I did not enjoy it. It was very hard to do and I just hope I managed to pull it off. It's fast-paced, descriptive (telling instead of showing), simple, and non-realistic. You know me, I love dialogues, so it was really hard for me to keep them at a minimum in this story.

Don't get me wrong, even if this is not a style I like, I put a lot of effort into it and will do it again with the good ending sequel. I'm very happy to be able to bring you this story.

For people who liked Building Reality and who enjoy the darkness, I really hope you'll appreciate it. It was one of the most difficult stories I wrote so far.

Have a great weekend!


ps: Sorry for the late post. :) I hope I didn't make you refresh the page too often.



Damn that really is DARK, dark, kinky and dark (did I mention it was dark). Interestingly not as extreme as I have read before, but that is not a bad thing! I really liked it, I am now super curious to read the good ending :)


Wait... do you mean it was dark? Like... dark? ;) Glad you liked it. Usually I never get stuck when I'm writing, but this time around I was totally blocked after Tracy was inert on the bed. Couldn't think of a way to go deeper in her predicament and I wasn't near to have a complete story. It took me weeks to come up with the second half of the story. ;)


TS, you can tell from the story that you don't really enjoy it. There are breaks in logic and some twists and turns seem very constructed. The story lacks the flow that your other stories have, it seems angular (is that how you say it in English?). Building Reality is a nice story, but not my favourite one. John


Thanks john. As per the survey I did a while ago, I estimate that it will appeal to about 1/3 of my reader base. It is great that they are pushing me because every time I try something difficult like this (using a different style/flow) I learn a lot, and it is also a nice reward for my patient readers that have more specific kinks. :) ... I think the alternative good ending will be much easier for me, as I much prefer consensuality and I kink of want to write it more using my own style. :) Thanks for reading it, though. I appreciate the feedback.


I know its not your style but I liked it, little more deep fantasy and dark intentions, but we all need that from time to time. Definitely will reread both stories again (on the next rainy day)