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Here it is. The very rubbery blind girl is back with a solid 9000 words. It took a while but I'm very happy with this chapter. Hopefully, you'll like it and you'll want more because I like writing from Alex's perspective.

That said, I will let you read and give me your feedback. Just give it a like if you appreciated this chapter. It helps me determine if I'm providing content that you enjoy.

Thanks again for all your support.


PS: Fun fact, chapter 1 of this story got an insane 4.92/5 on Literotica. It is ranked in 3rd place as the most popular story of the past month. Feliformia chapters are ranked 4th, 8th, 9th,11th,16th as well ... I think I'm going to pat myself on the back on that one. I must do something right somehow.



As all of your Stories very well written keep up the workI would like to read some more about alex and miles


I like that your stories are always decent realistic and do not drift into very extreme situations


Ah! Thanks so much. I do put a lot of hours in them. Alex and Miles will return for 2 more chapters, rejoice! :)


I do love the realism of this series. But not all my stories are realistic. I do like to do crazy things once in a while. Feliformia 4-5-6 were a bit on the extreme side but i decided to go back to something more realistic after that. Tackling the debt was sci-fi, but still somewhat realistic in the context. But Building Reality, that one is extreme and very unrealistic. So I would say about 70% of what I do is like what you described. They are my favorite stories to write. :)


I love this realistic and very erotic story. It's fascinating to feel with this blind girl. I'm impressed with how you put yourself in that disabled woman. Sorry to say, but you are a mean guy. To let let this story end with such a cliffhanger...


Thanks a lot John. It's one of my favorite stories to write. I'm a gardener, I write without a plan and without any idea about how the story will develop. This type of writing, I believe, makes it easier to carry characters feelings. As I'm writing, I bump into the same challenges as blind people do. As an example, when Alex walks to the dance floor, I realized bumping into people could be an issue. That's when I had to find a solution and that the idea of the dance cage came to me. As for the cliffhanger, don't you love to be teased? ;)


What I love about this story is the way it slowly introduces you to the characters through their actions and reactions. They way you depict life through the perspective of someone lacking sight is impressive. And I love the way that they leverage her disability as a gift rather than a disability. It's ingenious and reminds me fondly of the disabled people by dad used to work with before retiring. None of them where blind mind you so I am not 100% certain but to me it certainly feels realistic.


Also as John mentioned it made me realize that it isn't kitty thats the sadist (you are just enabling her :-P )


Thanks so much for the compliment. I wrote all chapter 2 without researching anything. Then out of curiosity, I went on youtube and found that I was right on the money. It made me happy. I kind of like this video that I found today after reading your comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXqp1AQ_2rc


Kitty is not a sadist. See is an adorable rubber thingy. I think you meant Erika. But yes, the apple never fall far from the tree. :D


First off, Alex is cute and awesome. Secondly Miles is also awesome and super understanding and stuff! Thirdly, you are mean for leaving us on a cliff hanger :'(


I'm super mean, yes! lol ... Glad you liked the story. Chapter 3 will soon be published for everybody to enjoy. Mind you, I think it will be hard to beat chapter 2... I think it was the best.


So am I the only person who doesnt like Miles? He seams a bit creepy to me.


He can be. ;) But he treats Alex as a normal person. So he gets some points there.