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Please do not read this before reading Feliformia - Chapter 9 as the following text will contain spoilers.


Ah! That was a big one. I started writing this about a month ago. At first, it was about 12-13k words, but I ended up with a 18k words story. That is one-third of a light novel. I have enough material to create a full novel with that story now.

So, where to start? I think I want to break my afterword down per characters this time.


Since day one, he has always been a nice guy. He is not a master driving some slave girls, generally, it is the other way around, but he always found a way to get his revenge somehow after being tricked. His life changed quite a bit since he met Kitty and even more since Erika joined.

In this chapter, I wanted to show that, even if you love doing something, it can be hard and it is important to take care of yourself, the thing that Mark always been unable to do. His catgirls were always more important than his own life. 

In this chapter, the girls are rewarding him with something very special and provided him some unexpected help, which will be material for the next chapters. I also wanted to find a way to deepen his bond with Kitty, and thought that the best display of love was to offer herself as a real person for the first time since they met. His love for latex girls will never fade, but this was really special to him.


Even if she was not that present for most of the story, it was all about her. The 18000 words were to prepare her final reveal. If I have one regret in that story, is that I didn't go deeper with that final scene. But yet, the two other girls were just waiting around and I didn't want to drag the mushy scene forever, so I used Erika to put an end to it. 

Now that Kitty knows she can evolve in the story without her latex suit, it will give more flexibility and more realism in the long run. But don't worry, Kitty will be VERY present in the next chapter and her love for latex is unbreakable. She will still drive Mark nuts.


Oh boy ... That girl has two faces. Dominant and submissive. She gets those bursts of evil and those moments of cuteness. She also is discovering her deprived sexuality and wants to try everything she can as soon as possible. Let's say she is in a mid-life crisis. So if you didn't like what she tried today, rest assured that she will try something else tomorrow.

In this chapter, she plays a key role. Not only she runs the show when Kitty is around, but she is the mind between all the evil plans against Mark. Kitty, of course, loves to be part of it.

Erika is used to running things her way. She decides things for the good of everybody else, and she is right, but she doesn't have all the sensibility that she should have when it comes to big decisions. More on that later. ;)


AH! I can't keep it for myself anymore. I'm in love with her. We don't really know where she is coming from. (well, I know but I'm not telling you!) All we know is that she is Erika's friend.

At first, she was going to be a neutral girl, simply a guide for this special evening, but I decided to flesh her out more and more. I gave her skills and attitude that fit my conception of a qualified maid.

I also made her the most beautiful girl in the house, by far. She is not just cute ... She really is a Goddess of beauty. The reason why I did that was to enforce the cruelty when she didn't want Mark to touch her. I CANNOT wait to write more about her in the next chapters. She IS the reason why I didn't end the series with chapter 9. So you can thank her for that.

That said ... 

I think this is one of my favorite chapters since the beginning. And I also think I want the next Feliformia chapters to be as long. Of course, I cannot publish 18k words twice a month, that would be ridiculous, but if you allow me to take my time, I would like to write long Feliformia stories from now on.

I planted enough seeds in chapter 9 to feed a couple more chapters. Perhaps you identified a couple of them. :) As I said, last time I read it before publishing, I got assaulted by ideas about what to do next. This is a really good sign.

I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. Please send me your comments. :)




I love Mark getting rewarded. In a way, sure he gets crazy latex sex and thats great but clearly his emotional needs aren't really being met by Kittie. BY what we as outside observers know this is because deep down inside Kittie is terrified of showing her vulnerability. The fact that she crosses that major hurdle, however brief and convoluted, here is what makes me love this chapter. The fact that I'm discussing my reflections as if these are real people, because they feel that way to me is a testament to your writing I would say.


As for Syr and her beauty, to me personally thats the least interesting part of her. Mark already has tow gorgeous woman in his life, at some point I would say that beauty alone is unlikely to make that much of a difference. Now her character on the other hand. What bits are real? what bits are pretend? what bits did she do to bait him. She is a friend of Erika, she is apparently quite the seamstress with a passion for Japanese culture. She is also unemployed? And living either at Erika's place or something? She's intelligent no doubt.... now there is an interesting puzzle I'd like to get to know. (but not as much as I would like Kittie to I dunno "grow up" but while maintaining her kitty'ness. And maybe Mark to grow a pair as well, but in a loving way ;-) )


Kitty is real. I told you. She really likes you, so stop doubting. Getting out of her suit was really tough and reverted by to her shy, unconfident personality as soon as she did. (trembling while trying to have sex with clueless mark.) She won't change much, but yes, she will evolve, like we all do.


Feliformia - Chapter 10 (20 000 words) ... The draft is completed. It should answer most of your questions. However, it is a high-risk chapter. It will shake you to your core. (I was the first victim, believe me)