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Here your weekly update about what is coming next.

The 10th of April: Monthly break. I was thinking about posting something, but I'm still too far to be done reviewing Feliformia, so my monthly break will be a break spent on working but not publishing. :)

The 17th of April: Feliformia - Chapter 9 : (17500+ words) I'm almost done with the second pass and the document keeps getting bigger. I really like it so far. it was the right decision to get rid of the craziness (feeding tube and catheter.) This chapter is very realistic and centered on love(and rubber cats!) There will be a few nice surprises in there. :)

The 24th of April: Short story. I haven't worked on that one yet. If you think of something you'd like, let me know. I'm open to suggestions. Another Feliformia side story? A side story for the Sun I Can't See? Something new? Let me know what you think in the comments.

The 1st of May: The Sun I Can't See - Chapter 2 : (9000 words). Almost all reviewed. Alex and Miles are going to do something really fun and it will allow them to get to know each other a bit more. It is going to be a very rubbery one and still very realistic. :)





I would say it's a bit early for sun I can't see side stories. I don't know the characters well enough yet to get personalities fleshed out further. Feliformia is always fun but after such a massive chapter maybe thats to soon?


I got some inspiration (do with it what you will) Shamelessly stolen from a discovery (I think) section that just came by on TV where a mom showed up at a workplace because her daughter had expressed interest and she was afraid of her well being. In this case it mom was a widow (I think) who's daughter had flunked out of college to join a lumberjacking company. Her mom got into a fight with her about it and won't talk to her anymore. So now mom showed up at a local lumberjack company to find out if it was really safe. I watched like a minute before commercials and we changed channel but.... How about daughter expresses that she is in a BDSM relationship. Mom is worried, they get into an argument. Mom decides to investigate and goes to a club. Story starts from perspective of club patron that sees a lady nervously entering the club (mom) and strikes a conversation. He/she gradually introduces mom, turns out mom likes it. At the end mom and daughter sit at kitchen table. Daughter: you were right SM is just a cheap excuse for sex, we broke up . Mom: "well I've somethign to confess" Not sure if this makes any sense :-)


I'm not sure about the lumberjack one. But the other one is something I can work with for sure. As you may have noticed, I play a lot with age difference in my story. (kitty is 27 or 28 can't remember and Erika is late 30 ... Mark we just don't know and never will)


I would like to read more side stories from the catheads. Maybe from Erika's sight?


Hey John, Turns out I just finished writing a short story for Feliformia last night, once more it is from Kitty's point of view, kind of an Easter special. But what you are suggesting is totally on my radar. I want to write a little something from Erika's point of view. I didn't do it this time around because I found it hard. For some reason, I have trouble finding her voice as the main character. I think it is due to the fact that she is evolving very quickly within the main storyline. I do not want a short story that will pull her in a different direction all of a sudden. After Feliformia 9, it will be easier to feature her as the main character I think. :)