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Please do not read this unless you have read the short story I posted last Friday, Rubbercat Tails, Chapter 1. This post may contain spoilers.

I had quite a bit of fun writing this small slice of life story and want to do more of those. I would not say it was easier to write since editing and reviewing require the same amount of care, but it was somehow less stressful. Knowing that the action would be contained within a specific moment in time, relieved me from many worries.

This needed to be addressed. Before Erika joined Mark and Kitty, it was easy. Mark was at work, and Kitty was quietly waiting and sleeping in her crate. I didn't have to explain this to anybody as it was obvious, and the readers are not dumb. But with Erika around, this became an issue.

What were the two girls doing while alone at home? The main story is from Mark's point of view, so he had no eyes on that at all. He could only rely on what they told him, which was not that much. Transferring the point of view to Kitty opened a whole new world of possibilities. We could see what happened in this house during the day.

The other things I wanted to do were to enforce a discreet progression of the main story and reaffirm the personality of the two girls. Kitty being disinterested in her past and future, and Erika being motherly and emergently sadistic. Combine the two cats, and we end up with a fun and perverted situation.

Even though they were entertaining with each other, you could tell that they were thinking about Mark too even if he couldn't be present. If you were wondering about this possibility, no, Kitty and Erika won't fall so madly in love with each other that they will ditch Mark.  They care very much about him and will try to support him as much as they can when they can.

Fun fact, Kitty mentions pretty much that Mark can't keep up with her needs. She didn't say that to be mean; it was to add some realism. Since Chapter one, Kitty has been a sex bomb, and Mark was more of a regular guy, not caring too much if he was that good in bed or not. But since that first chapter of the main series, they always adjusted to each other. I'm my humble option; this is how relationships should work in real life.

On a final note, I want to thank the higher tiers for supporting me so generously. This week I received some nice pledges that I didn't expect. I still have a lot of trouble asking money for my work, but I'm slowly starting to understand what it means to be supported by kind people and to be appreciated.

Originally, I set some amusing goals, not really thinking I would ever reach any of them. I'm planning on rewriting more serious goals in a short future; it is not true that I will spend this money on rum and wings. (Well, maybe a little) For now, the money collected will go to a fund, and I will make sure to tell you what I did with every single dollar. I know already that it will significantly help me.

On that note, thank you again for reading my short story, I hope it entertained you.



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