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Hello, super fans and up.

So last Friday, I published a new story called The Sun I Can't See - Chapter 1. I hope you all had a chance to consume it, if not, please do not read this as it contains spoilers.

Alex, the blind girl. I do not know exactly where that idea came from; probably it had something to do with my desire to include all sorts of different characters in my stories. It was quite a challenge to use the first-person point of view because I couldn't use any reference to the sense of sight, which is usually the most used sense in humans. I had to put myself in her shoes and imagine how she would understand her environment only using her other senses.

As it was not enough, I made Alex a person that was blind from birth. So I had to researches a bit about it because I didn't want to misrepresent this group of people. I watched many youtube videos of blind people and understood that they had no concept of light. That was even more restrictive.

I wanted to make her a successful worker as well as I wanted to show that it is not because you cannot see that you cannot do well in life. That is what I gathered from my research. Yes, she needs to rely on services and people, but it didn't prevent her from building a good life for herself based on what she needed the most. In the story, she is well above average, but yet, she doesn't act like it. She knows how much work she had to put in to get where she was and will not let people judge her negatively because of that.

The story itself is an ode to the flawed humanity. In Alex's case, her handicap caused her to have difficulties holding an equal loving relationship. Over time, the rejection got to her and changed her for the worse, which is why she had trouble understanding why Miles didn't care about her being sightless. I think a lot of people can relate to that feeling. Particularly the ones that have been single for a while. Failures can slowly eat up your hopes and make you give up.

But yet, Miles was a vaccine. His cluelessness and density needed for Alex to be able to walk away from her negative thoughts. You'll see her in chapter two as a more confident person, and she will start guiding Miles toward a better future as well.

There was not a lot of kinkiness in chapter 1, but I hope you appreciated the character building as much as I did. I promise chapter 2 will be all about latex, latex, and more latex. Be patient because I think you'll like it. :)

Now, thanks to everybody that took the time to read this creation and commented on it. This was the last story that was already submitted to Gromet. So if you see it popping up over there in the upcoming week, that is normal. From now on, all the content posted on Patreon will be for your eyes only for at least 30 days.

Thanks so much for reading.




Thank you for this behind the scenes glimpse. I already loved the story but this gives it even more depth. Thank you for making such an effort


Next afterwords will be even better. This one was all i could do since I'm swamped at work because of covid-19 crisis. I prefer spending more effort to deliver the stories on time as promised.