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Hi All, hope you had a great xmas and santa got all your prezzies for you.  I have now get a camera and have recorded some of my workshop activity for timelapsing along with the painting of the wood grain for the Skyrim Mace . I have it in the right format for upload I'll put it all in the dropbox folder. 

As you can see from the images above I am progressing with both Big Daddy Drill and NCR ranger models. I've got further with the drill as I've been doing it in my break times in work. The NCR helmet is taking a it longer as Im juggling assignments for Uni for please bare with.

On a seperate note, would any of you know the easiest way to learn motor controlling?, basically I want to create a scale remote control tank of something like a Sherman/FT-17/Tiger and I know it can be done easily but have no programming knowledge what so ever. If I can start learning this stuff I will definatly look at doing more stuff like that so any help you can give would be fantastic.



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