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For those who follow my social media profiles you would have seen that I've said I've had some issues with the base mesh files I use to get the scale of Fallout game item right which has really hindered the progress of the T60. I have only recently been able to get back too it as the VAR didn't has a solution for it.  So in that mean time I've concentrated on doing this prop as I know I could did it in no time. 

The reason why I choose the Lawgiver Mk2 was because I saw that a propmaker called 'ProtonGamer' has made a prototype voice recognition and audio solution for this prop so you can actually give it the movies commands and it confirms them back. So I was really stoked to start modelling it and was able to get hold of him and he might be sending me a prototype. Hopefully he progresses towards a finished solution as this would be a epic prop to have.  I have saved out the STL's and CAD files in the Dropbox folders and the STL's  are also at the bottom of this post. The only thing I would say about these files is I have not figured out how to easily have a working slide which would be the icing on the cake for this. I am still working on it but the prop is basically done otherwise. I will be working on the drawing soon but I thought it would be worth uploading as is for you guys to start building as you might just want a static prop or might have a different idea for electronics.

As for the sonic props/toys, the animal vault is in two forms, one this is destructible via its top plunger and the complete one. Dr.Roboniks ship will be printed and uploaded soon.



Warren Pennock

just finished printing and sanding this and started a base coat , any ideas on a light kit for it ?


I just done it all manually. I used EL panels cut to size for the sides and a single 8mm LED I think for the torch. I then wired it to a rotary switch I glued to the barrel.