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Hello all,

The dishonored pistol is finally done and can now be downloaded from the link below along with the other videos I made of the NCR helmet.


Please tell me if you have any problems but as you can see since I've printed it you should have any problems.

This was printed with wood filament which was a bit different, I prepped, painting and lacquered a sample piece last night. It doesn't seem to bad and when sanded it feels like MDF but with PLA being the binder it's hard to sand some colour changes between layers (see below).

The filament itself is Chroma Woodloaded by Emvio Engineering, heres the link - https://emvioeng.com/shop/3d-printing/filaments/chroma-woodloaded-not-dark-wood-500g/



Lev Rusakov

Hi! Could you upload STEP files for Combat Armor? I want to remodel the breastplate to add some foam inserts, because current version left some bruises near collarbone (I wore shoulder-belt on top).


Hi Lev, yep I can do that, If you check the dropbox link in the post above I will leave a STEP file of the armour assembly in there.