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Thank you all!!

  • Yes 65
  • No 2
  • 2024-04-22
  • 67 votes
{'title': 'Thank you all!!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'No', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 22, 6, 39, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 67}


I would firstly like to thank all the new members who have recently signed up due to the obvious release of the Fallout show. I have now binged the series and can definitely see a good future of the series considering how well it was shown to a now growing audience.

I was keeping a keen eye out for notable props while watching the series and there were a few. I will obviously be looking at doing the Ghoul pistol as it instantly reminded me of the Hellboy pistol in terms of power and design. I will be starting that tonight. While modelling the prop I will be rewatching to see what else peaks my interest as and I will also be revisiting my old files to see if there's anything I was half on or had not released yet.

For anyone who I might have missed, please send me a DM to get the Dropbox link to all the files.

On another note, with more people wanting to get into 3d modelling to recreate props like I do I would like to know that if I started streaming the modelling process on twitch/youtube would anyone be interested?


Michael Hoyle

I'm quite interested in learning blender as well. The Ghoul pistol was badass, would love that. As well as maybe the new pipboy. That design has really grown on me

Dave Best

Just joined, i'd be interested in videos. Is there a facebook group or other gathering place people share their builds?

David Ashby

Been enjoying your work for years and have printed many of your builds. Would you ever be willing to do a wearable protectron build (similar to the T60) but it would be more simplistic.


Hmm that could be possible as I've already done a protector action figure.