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Straight and to the point, I'm going on a hiatus for an unknown amount of time. The last video I will put out before then will be Nilou, and I'm reducing it down to the $8 Tier instead of $13. Of course you are all welcome to end you pledge until I return; it's only fair.

Naturally, the current queue will still be in place when I return (queue is pinned in my Discord server). However, all future commissions and polls will be put on hold until further notice. 

As for why, there are several reasons. I have a lot of things going on in my life that just take priority. I've also recently seen certain people talking about me that made me lose all motivation to even keep making videos. Apparently through this whole time of me making videos, I've been "the bad guy" of the community, so why should I even continue for now if people hate me for shit I didn't even do?

Thank you to all of you who have been supporting me for the last three years, whether you're new or if you've been there from the beginning. 

If you absolutely have to reach out to me, you can email me at divinejoi123@gmail.com.

Goodbye for now.



Take your time bruh, hope you will get better and be happy


Good luck!


Good fortunes bae


please take care and enjoi (got that...? haha) your time. :)


damm bro... hope to see you back soonish


hey man, sad to see that, take your time do it aint much but out of all the content yours is the one i like the most, so take what others say for a grain of salt!


stay strong my brother, we here for you <3


Take whatever time you need. Some people just like to choose someone to demonize, nothing you can really do about it. Enjoy the hiatus and we’ll be around when you feel well enough to return. Your health comes first :)


Be well as you can. May you find some peace o/


take ur time and we'll wait for ur return. hope it gets better soon <3


Thank you for your hard work! I hope you will come back.