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It's official, Vol 2 will be coming to Patreon in November, starting Nov1st :D

Not sure if I'll be posting the pages weekly, since one page takes a lot of work to complete, so it will be most probably a page every two weeks. I'd like to have more quality to the comic too, so that time will give me this possibility.

I am super excited to have the story go, there are many fun ideas to squeeze in, and I want to cover some things form the Vol1 :3

So, get ready for some more fun times coming! :D




Fireheart The blue Phoenix

Aaaaaaaahhhh! The quality will make the wait so worth the anticipation, you go Q. One small thing, don't forget your breaks, rsi in your wrists is no joke


Yeah, I'm super excited x333 I will and I try to XD My carpal tunnel doesn't like me much xP