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Ysabeau Wilce is a graduate of Clarion West and has been nominated for the World Fantasy Award, the James Tiptree Award, and won the Andre Norton Award for the second volume in her Flora Fyrdraaca series, FLORA’S DARE. Her short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, F&SF Magazine and several year’s best anthologies. Her most recent book, a collection of short stories entitled PROPHECIES, LIBELS & DREAMS, was published by Small Beer Press in 2014. You have just read an excerpt from her work in progress, a monstrously large novel METAL MORE ATTRACTIVE, the adventures of a glass-gazing popinjay magician and his little Tiny Doom of a niece as they battle their adorable, yet despotic, grandmother, the Pontifexa of Califa, and her domicilic denizen for dominion over their ancestral home and, by extension, the Republic of Califa. 

She may be found online, intermittently, at @crackpothall. She currently resides in Northern California with her husband, son and a very naughty corgi. 


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