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Heather Rose Jones is the author of the Alpennia historic fantasy series: an alternate-Regency-era Ruritanian adventure revolving around women’s lives woven through with magic, alchemy, and intrigue. Her short fiction has appeared in The Chronicles of the Holy Grail, Sword and Sorceress, Lace and Blade, and at Podcastle.org. Heather blogs about research into lesbian-relevant motifs in history and literature at the Lesbian Historic Motif Project and has a podcast covering the field of lesbian historical fiction which has recently expanded into publishing audio fiction. She reviews books at The Lesbian Review as well as on her blog. Heather is feeling closely tied to the current pandemic both through her day-job for a major pharmaceutical company (which is both being extremely proactive in protecting both its employees and the needs of our patient-costumers) and because her most recent Alpennia book, Floodtide, deals with an epidemic and the consequences of official indifference, with a hopeful outcome due to the persistence and ingenuity of ordinary people.



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