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Chiori will be coming out soon, and I've been cooking this concept for her in my head for a while - and finally got around to sketching it out yesterday. I'll do more work on it  today and start the modelling process tomorrow, but thought I'd post it up to get some views and feedback on it!

The design is based on a few different sources - the most obvious inspiration is Evangelion's plugsuit... but it's also combined with the final form lifefiber outfits from Kill La Kill.

On top of this, the transparent coat is both borrowing from her own kimono and recent artwork from Dishwasher, showing off a fetching dish in a PVC coat!

These outfits will be designed and modelled in parts, and be very flexible in how they can be combined with other parts, allowing for a huge range of potential outfits!

Just as to be expected from such a beautiful fashionista!




Hot concept. I'm not much for pasties myself, but the modular design of this outfit is a real win, especially with the ropes underneath.


Looking really good!!! <3