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Seems like Hoyo in their infinite wisdom has decided to drop Albedo and Itto in favour of Yoimiya rerun! Yay... didn't we just have a Yoimiya banner??

Nonetheless, I know there are some wanters that aren't havers yet, so I'm sure this will work well for them!

Well, I'm pretty maxed out already doing work on Navia/Ayaka then Raiden. Given that she ran only recently, I won't be focusing too much attention on her - but I might nonetheless put together a smaller costume for her.

Do you guys have any ideas of what you want? I'm taking up suggestions of things that wouldn't take me too much effort - toggles/multi toggles/skin edits, or kitbashes from other gear/equipment (e.g. borrow the bunny suit from character X and jacket from character Y, and combine).

Let me know in the comments - some ideas ahead of time will help me figure out something appropriate for her banner rerun! And if you like something someone else is saying, remember to like that comment too!




Armorkini, Red version of Raidens Armorkini for easy great mod.

Conner Jessop

Here's something that would be amazing and not too difficult. It's just her base outfit but made into a two piece that reveals her belly. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.tYd0MtBHZPQs4qNeAX9IdwHaLv?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain