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Raiden Shogun Rerun Theme Poll

  • Option A: Mecha/Robotic/Augmented Combat Body Suits 40
  • Option B: Wedding Dresses 58
  • Option C: Kimonos 94
  • Option D: Slinky Shiny Glittery Dresses 90
  • 2023-12-03
  • —2023-12-07
  • 282 votes
{'title': 'Raiden Shogun Rerun Theme Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option A: Mecha/Robotic/Augmented Combat Body Suits', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Option B: Wedding Dresses', 'votes': 58}, {'text': 'Option C: Kimonos', 'votes': 94}, {'text': 'Option D: Slinky Shiny Glittery Dresses', 'votes': 90}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 7, 11, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 3, 11, 45, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 282}


With Furina's banner over, I have scant little time while the double male banner goes up to prep the next incoming double 5* ladies banner!

I'm already working on both Navia and Ayaka, working with my team to help produce these, but after their run, Raiden is due next!

I have some rough ideas, but I'd like you all to help me narrow down the theming a little. I'm personally leaning towards the wedding dress, but if I'm to be honest - that outfit is also the most time consuming type, so I may or may not have time to pull it off. I'll scale the work accordingly by kitbashing what I can from mods I've already done. I'm also drawn towards the combat body suits. Raiden is a bad ass, and the combat suit represents her in her most powerful form! Also the many pieces gives me plenty of opportunity to remove various pieces through toggles.

Anyway we have a few options for this banner. Note that all images should only serve as inspirational images to set the mood and provide a visual reference for the theme; they're not indicative of the final design.

Finally, the poll isn't binding - but provides me with a strong indication of what you all want and definetly impacts on the decision made!

Option A: Mecha/Robotic/Augmented Combat Body Suits

Option B: Wedding Dresses

Option C: Kimonos

Option D: Slinky Shiny Glittery Dresses



Aw, I thought the mechs would be higher, oh well

Kelzok Kelzok

This is my most important decision for the day. And after long thought and meditation. I believe she would want the traditional Kimono. A sexy one. With lots of cleavage. That fits the perfect body version.

Obed Vera

Mecha please :)


Slinky Shiny Glittery Dresses please!!!!!!




Real talk: Based on the current numbers, I'll probably produce concept designs for both. Also while I wanna do a sick Kimono, the reality is it'll very much be tied to her existing outfit - her skirt flap in the front doesn't go down far enough, and she's still got that rolled up sleeve. Even so, I can probably come up with something... horny.