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Heya Patreons :D

Got a continuing extension on the Furina series - her swimwear!

I'll add this into the bigger overall series, but today's release is just a small toggle x auto toggle for her swimwear.

She has the light and dark auto toggle, but also the swimming auto toggle - allowing her to go between land and sea easily (she wears heels and accessories on the land).

Also you can manually force her into sea mode on land (no shoes/accessories) by pressing 'H' as usual

EDIT: You'll need the BufferValues in your mod folder if you want to run the swimming auto toggle. It's basically an ini file that will detect swimming globally so that any character mods that use swimming auto toggle can be updated all at once when updates break things, rather than having to update 20 different mod files.


Download Here



峻洋 吳

After I installed it, I still cannot detect swimming movements (I have downloaded BufferValues.zip). Is there any solution?