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As most of you know, a few weeks ago, I was going all in on Star Rail as the next game to mod, making a new body, making plans, playing the game. But as many of you know, we started getting ban reports from people using 3DM. At the time, it wasn't confirmed that it was 3DM specifically that was getting them banned, or if it was something else and they also happened to be using 3DM.

As we know now... some users were getting banned for 3DM, and other users for other things!

Frustratingly, not a broad, consistent clear ban - but I guess consistent with the Gacha formula - ban if you roll bad!

The biggest thing that gives us a clear indication that Hoyo has a problem with Star Rail modding, and not so much Genshin is that Star Rail on Game Banana received a bunch of DMCAs, whereas the much larger Genshin modding group, with many more lewd mods did not.

Giving Hoyo some understanding - it's likely they just want to instill a bit of fear in the community with modding - for a few reasons... they're still under the eye of the CCP (as a chinese company), they don't want their SEO to come up with Star Rail mods on the first page, and they don't want people thinking that they're making lewd (or otherwise) content for their games. It's easier for people to realize that art is just fan art, but more difficult for those unfamiliar with the modding space to also realize that mods are a form of fan art (and thus not a endorsement by the company's games).

Whatever the case is... Star Rail mods are still possible, but will probably be unsupported by the SRMI creator SilentNightSound for the forseeable future, and may or may not result in a ban.

Even so, knowing all this... are you guys still interested in Star Rail mods? I was planning a series for Stelle, and had prepared Herta nude marionette (just a blank nude doll body) before all this went down. I think I'd still like to get Seele naked... but now that I'm not playing the game because of the critical injury to modding, less tempted! (Even though I literally went back to spend my remaining Star Jade and pulled Silverwolf! :P)

Setting aside Star Rail, there are definetly other games I want to mod, both games that are released and games that will be coming out. What about the rest of you? Are there any games that you're interested in, and ones you'd play specifically if mods are available for it?

For me, the big one is definetly Street Fighter 6. I'm going to take a bit of a break from Genshin modding for the upcoming banner (Kazuha and Al Haitham) to work on SF6 Chun Li and Cammy. I'm seeing the modding community doing some decent stuff, but I still think I can do better! These two are among my favourite video game ladies of all time!

Another one I'm interested to look back at is Sims 4. It has one of the best sex mods in all of gaming - essentially turnings Sims 4 into a full fledged adult sex simulator. It also has a ton of animations, but the quality of the meshes are a bit sub par IMO! Seems like a good place for me to ply my trade.

I've also heard that FF7RE will be getting a VR mod - I'm big into VR, and the ability to see those beautiful ladies in all their glory in VR while playing an epic scifi fantasy game is extremely tempting! All the better if it's to my spec/design! :D

Let me know in the comments what games you're all interested in playing with mods (that we know is moddable; not all games... like Diablo 4 can be modded right now!)

Of course I'm still focusing on Genshin first and foremost, as I know that's what you all came here for in the first place!



I would love some Star Rail mods. Though I wouldn't want anyone's account getting banned if they are cracking down on mods. Maybe later in the future once the hype goes down and the game has been out for a bit they would ease up on the banning.


Yeah, I think that's most people's feelings right now. Doesn't make sense for me to mod the game if patreons aren't using it or there's no demand for it though because of the ban fear. If more people were of the attitude that it's mod or no play (like me), it might make more sense, but I think most people want to be able to play the game first, and mod second! :D


Count me in for more star rail mods. I still haven't been hit with a ban yet and not that I wont be hit but at this point if it was gonna happen it would've happened and I've been playing the same way since launch. I understand that star rail might not be a priority now but would appreciate mods whenever theres time for those of us that still play with mods.

AshenOne (edited)

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2023-06-10 18:02:30 of course i would love to have Star Rail mods tho specially if it is from you!!! <3 I actually was really looking forward to your Seele mod since it won the voting poll back then so i was really excited since i got her by winning the 50/50 im still playing star rail and i am actually still using mods and haven't got in any trouble im still thinking 3D Migoto is not the real cause of those bans but who knows tho :/ (i mean is really weird that just some people were banned and not all of the ones that mod the game for me that doesn't make sense so that's why i think 3D Migoto is not the real reason i hear a lot of people use FPS unlockers and shader effects along with VPN and other programs like that while playing the game so maybe is that the real reason ) i also was really looking forward for a chance to get a Himeko and specially a Kafka mod from you tho (since im saving for Kafka already and i got Himeko along with her weapon thanks to the RNG gods) and well for me i will keep playing Star Rail even if i can't use mods anymore and if the community doesn't demand mods anymore it would be pretty sad yeah but well i really liked the game tho and i won't stop playing it just because i can't use mods anymore and on the topic of modding other games go ahead mate is nice to take a break from Genshin once in a while (that way you won't get burn out from it) but well i think those other games you are going to mod i won't be able to use those mods because well i have a potato PC so i won't be able to play Street Fighter 6 XD for example
2023-06-10 08:23:26 of course i would love to have Star Rail mods tho specially if it is from you!!! <3 I actually was really looking forward to your Seele mod since it won the voting poll back then so i was really excited since i got her by winning the 50/50 im still playing star rail and i am actually still using mods and haven't got in any trouble im still thinking 3D Migoto is not the real cause of those bans but who knows tho :/ (i mean is really weird that just some people were banned and not all of the ones that mod the game for me that doesn't make sense so that's why i think 3D Migoto is not the real reason i hear a lot of people use FPS unlockers and shader effects along with VPN and other programs like that while playing the game so maybe is that the real reason ) i also was really looking forward for a chance to get a Himeko and specially a Kafka mod from you tho (since im saving for Kafka already and i got Himeko along with her weapon thanks to the RNG gods) and well for me i will keep playing Star Rail even if i can't use mods anymore and if the community doesn't demand mods anymore it would be pretty sad yeah but well i really liked the game tho and i won't stop playing it just because i can't use mods anymore and on the topic of modding other games go ahead mate is nice to take a break from Genshin once in a while (that way you won't get burn out from it) but well i think those other games you are going to mod i won't be able to use those mods because well i have a potato PC so i won't be able to play Street Fighter 6 XD for example

of course i would love to have Star Rail mods tho specially if it is from you!!! <3 I actually was really looking forward to your Seele mod since it won the voting poll back then so i was really excited since i got her by winning the 50/50 im still playing star rail and i am actually still using mods and haven't got in any trouble im still thinking 3D Migoto is not the real cause of those bans but who knows tho :/ (i mean is really weird that just some people were banned and not all of the ones that mod the game for me that doesn't make sense so that's why i think 3D Migoto is not the real reason i hear a lot of people use FPS unlockers and shader effects along with VPN and other programs like that while playing the game so maybe is that the real reason ) i also was really looking forward for a chance to get a Himeko and specially a Kafka mod from you tho (since im saving for Kafka already and i got Himeko along with her weapon thanks to the RNG gods) and well for me i will keep playing Star Rail even if i can't use mods anymore and if the community doesn't demand mods anymore it would be pretty sad yeah but well i really liked the game tho and i won't stop playing it just because i can't use mods anymore and on the topic of modding other games go ahead mate is nice to take a break from Genshin once in a while (that way you won't get burn out from it) but well i think those other games you are going to mod i won't be able to use those mods because well i have a potato PC so i won't be able to play Street Fighter 6 XD for example


Hmmm. I guess I'll still put some out - but at a reduced rate. It's still a fun game, but one I put aside because of other games (Diablo 4, SF6, RE4Re, FF7Reborn, FF16... so many good ones I've been looking forward to for a long time TBH!)


RE Engine modding would be very interesting. If you ever start bringing these outfit designs to FF7, thatd be amazing too. I'm a personal fan of lewd mods on idle type games. but i can't think of any good ideas atm. More than anything, im sure you'll bring quality to what you provide. I'm looking forward to seeing some cool suggestions in the comments and what cool mods you'd make from them.


my biggest interest in playing star rail was because of the mods, but after seeing that the transparency mod was banned from gamebanana by silentnightsound, and now seeing that he may not feel so much interest in keeping the tool updated with the same focus as he does it with genshin, I just got discouraged from playing the game. I play games with mods for a while, almost all my steam games have mods, but genshin was the first online game I played with mods, I already knew that other online game companies allow players to use customization mods, like arknights or league of legends, but they are games that I don't play anymore. Before the mods, I played genshin for about 600 hours, but after a while I got a little discouraged from playing, I didn't even explore the maps anymore, I just did the main mission and that's it, but after the mods that genuine desire to play again came back, I'm Exploring the maps 100%, I must already have about 1000 hours of gameplay, and if mods continue to be allowed I will probably play for another 1000 hours. I like this game so much, much more because of its huge community, which are always making new content available, I love seeing communities on reddit, twitter, youtube or every day go to gamebanana and see a different character mod. (something very different from star rail, which after the bans ended up scaring most of the modder community).


Absolutely. Too many games, too many options... so I go towards the best games that are also moddable! :D

zhizhi (edited)

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2023-06-10 18:02:30 Street Fighter 6, Sims 4 ,FF7RE。These are good games, support。
2023-06-10 12:32:29 Street Fighter 6, Sims 4 ,FF7RE。These are good games, support。

Street Fighter 6, Sims 4 ,FF7RE。These are good games, support。

芽衣 Mei - www.Satsuki-Mei.info (edited)

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2023-06-10 18:02:30 I'm happy with whatever you choose Boss!! &lt;3 Just wanna remind that LewdDad modding games other than Genshin doesn't mean less Genshin content! And at least on my side you can expect a lot of Genshin mods and variants ^ - ^
2023-06-10 14:06:01 I'm happy with whatever you choose Boss!! <3 Just wanna remind that LewdDad modding games other than Genshin doesn't mean less Genshin content! And at least on my side you can expect a lot of Genshin mods and variants ^ - ^

I'm happy with whatever you choose Boss!! <3 Just wanna remind that LewdDad modding games other than Genshin doesn't mean less Genshin content! And at least on my side you can expect a lot of Genshin mods and variants ^ - ^


I know wuthering waves will be coming out in the near future, are you gonna take a crack at that? don't know if that's something on your radar or just trying to expand out from gacha games.

Koda Itaru

Perhaps, for now, you could finish off the Seele mod? I know a lot of people (me included) were looking forward to that.

芽衣 Mei - www.Satsuki-Mei.info (edited)

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2023-06-10 18:02:31 Oh!!! I'd be super interested as long as Boss wants to give it a shot as well!
2023-06-10 14:50:00 Oh!!! I'd be super interested as long as Boss wants to give it a shot as well!

Oh!!! I'd be super interested as long as Boss wants to give it a shot as well!


Honestly, wuthering waves hasn't been on my radar - in large part because the art doesn't excite me - although I should give it a shot anyway. But any and all mods are contingent on the tools and information becoming publically accessible. I'm a modder that comes in after the technical modders have scouted out the space! :D


It's too late for me to board the Skyrim wagon, but I'm preparing my zero-G suit for Starfield which is coming out this year! Skyrim in space? With sex too! :D


understandable, figured I'd ask and get you thoughts on it. especially if you start making mods for too many games you'll definitely end up burning yourself out.


RE remake 2-4 also have potential, but also have a lot stuff already so idk.