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More Yelan mods! She's one of the favourites, so requested versions of her keep getting made. This time she's basically all nude, save for three important bangles, a pair of heels and a few dice that she needs to keep on hand in case she needs to leave something to chance!

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Love how it looks like yelans doing a dance with ganyu on the first pic xd thank you for the release and great job as always


Yelan and Ganyu bow are definetly my favourite pairing :) Gotta find time to make a Yelan Bow so my Ganyu can use her!


really nice ;) the Ganyu bow is kind of funny XD ;)


this is so cool

我不要腹肌! 不要腹肌! 不要腹肌!!!


I want a version of Yeran without abs

Agent DC

I kinda wish we had videos of these mods being used, like, seeing yelan shoot run around and stuff


Planning on doing more video content. Just takes time to produce and is somewhat hard to upload (Patreon doesn't allow nsfw video uploads).

Agent DC

Oh I see, I apologize then, thank you for taking your time and answering my question :D