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Apologies to those that voted before - please vote again. Intended to make the poll multichoice, but forgot to click the button!

I've been swamped with work lately from all sources, and still have plans to get these 5 ladies made! But I'm gonna let you guys prioritize the order through your Patreon Votes!

Yae and Yoimiya coming on a banner rerun in 2 weeks, and Kirara the new 4* is riding along with them.

Meanwhile, Seele is on the current Honkai Star Rail banner, but will go away soon, while Mommy Himeko is everyone's favourite big busty train captain!

Whatever the order, these are the next 5 ladies I'll be working on!



once again i am saying seele because good


wait why the repost? (edit: i just read that the other one was going to be multichoice but it was not sorry XD) (well anyway i will stay with Yae Miko as i already say before because sadly i don't have Yoimiya and i don't think i will use Kirara even if i get her so yeah XD) and well i would love to have a Himeko mod right now but i need to wait for the Honkai Star Rail modding to developed a little bit more and also be more safe? to use it so yeah :( u..u


yeah this one is multichoice but the other one was not right? that's what i meant sorry if my grammar mess up what im trying to say XD well i vote for Yae Miko Himeko and Seele ;)


Kirara & Seele would be good. Yoimiya needs a lot more love thought. She deserves more love


Yooooooooooooooiiiiimiiiyyaaaa the bestest fiiirrreee booowww giiirrrlll aahhhh I loooveee heerrrr


gonna be attempting to c6 yoimiya, hopefully she gets a cool mod to go with her