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Thanks to Mist over from AGMG - he provided the file to let me have another go at posing her closer to her original Ganyu Bow artwork. Pretty happy with the results, so here you guys go!

Guide to swapping the bow to any other bow weapon

Doesn't seem to work over the favonius warbow or Amos bow right now unfortunately!

*edit* Seems like one of our Patreons Caesar managed to get it working. Here's the ini edit he's used.


; PrototypeCrescent

; Overrides -------------------------


hash = 4dd715ab

vb0 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentPosition


hash = d2608a65

vb1 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentBlend

handling = skip

draw = 20891,0 


hash = 4cd6dbe2

vb1 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentTexcoord


hash = 3e62e970


hash = 3324d3a2

handling = skip

drawindexed = auto


hash = 3324d3a2

match_first_index = 0

ib = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadIB

ps-t0 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadDiffuse

ps-t1 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadLightMap

ps-t2 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadDiffuseGuide

ps-t3 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadMetalMap




Instructions unclear, looked straight into the pussy and shot myself in the face




Quick nitpick here - could you make a version with the same cryo tattoo as in the original art, add the hook insert, and extend the string to Ganyu’s right hand?


this is amazing LMAO


Yeah, will tweak her a bit more later. The string comment doesn't make sense tho - its rigged - and it near her hand when player character goes to fire the bow.


tried porting it to aqua simulacra and it no workie :~:, copied the hashes from Mist's .ini for his aqua one and lots of vertexes were stretched in wrong directions. I'll just use Mist's for now then.


The "warcrime" tag hahaha

yi zhang

https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/105178146 now wait for yoimiya version~


; PrototypeCrescent ; Overrides ------------------------- [TextureOverridePrototypeCrescentPosition] hash = c56f30eb vb0 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentPosition [TextureOverridePrototypeCrescentBlend] hash = ffa84406 vb1 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentBlend handling = skip draw = 4546,0 [TextureOverridePrototypeCrescentTexcoord] hash = 04da89f0 vb1 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentTexcoord [TextureOverridePrototypeCrescentVertexLimitRaise] hash = 138ce338 [TextureOverridePrototypeCrescentIB] hash = ab7db00e handling = skip drawindexed = auto [TextureOverridePrototypeCrescentHead] hash = ab7db00e match_first_index = 0 ib = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadIB ps-t0 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadDiffuse ps-t1 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadLightMap ps-t2 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadDiffuseGuide ps-t3 = ResourcePrototypeCrescentHeadMetalMap


can it work in 4.3?