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Alright! Happy New Year All! Shogun is done. Will space out the releases for the variations and release a toggle mod at the end (although you can also assemble toggle mods relatively easily with the script on AGMG).

Overall, really happy with the outcome - it ended up coming together very nicely - better than I was even expecting at the start, with good feedback from some patreon members and AGMG peeps.

There are minor clipping issues that you can spot if you freeze frame, but overall, it should be pretty smooth.

Edit Added a Sword Free variant of her primary version at the Request of a patreon. Enjoy!

Upcoming variations include crotch exposed, no body suit, no dress, nude torso, and the exposure of some very special and important pieces of the Shogun.

Some members have also included no cybernetic skin (already published, but will update for the finished texture work), and a nude with pregnant belly.

If you guys want some variations of your own (some combination of the above that I haven't packaged, or stuff like sword removal, smaller breasts, etc), upgrade to the request/Patron tiers and make a request - I'll get it done.

I'll also be putting together a nerfed version for Game Banana to help promote the Shogun and help grow this Patreon - that'll change the color of the dress/trim, remove the fur shawl, no sword, remove a lot of her bling, no cybernetic skin - but if you like those elements, that can also be an option for variation request!




wow!!!!!!!! Thanks for hard work bro!


But... i prefer her old bangs :(


And her sword on hip when use Q should be removed


Would be cool if I could actually do this :P best I could do is make it toggle on Q, but that's not the same thing (doesn't put the sword back automatically). I'll be putting a sword free variant soon, so you can probably make the toggle mod yourself!


Hey! How about... new wing for cyber raiden, can swap between it and angle wing?


Wasn't planning on making a new wing. Takes a fair amount of time to make one of those, and I don't have a good idea in mind for a Raiden specific one - if you have one and want to talk more about it, I can be commissioned... but you'll have to upgrade to the Patron tier, because my commission rates are quite high.


Understand, i will find some idea and will upgrade soon!

Linx [ Lost Beast ]

great mod wish there was a toggle for the raiden boss hairstyle , but cant make request so...maybe someone "wink wink"

John Titor

Thanks for this, amazing mod! The sword free variant has panties pulled to the side, any chance we can get a sword-free with normal everything else? Not sure if that counts a request per se?


Yes, it would - basically any time I have to export, package, upload... is time that's considered a request. Depending on the nature of the change, it can take much longer still (althoug this particular one shouldn't be too hard).