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Just showing off the progress on the Shogun - pretty happy with the modelling so far. Picture is missing a couple elements (bow), but otherwise mostly meshes with my refined concept of her.

Still a fair number of steps from here to actual mod in game, so it'll take a few days - but that'll be slowed down by Christmas stuff and other work stuff. Hopefully I'll make it for Shogun's banner.

*Update* More work done - added significantly more detail to her bodywork. Really happy with the way it's looking. Modelled her inner core (under chest), and created a removeable cover for it so it can be exposed in some variants.

The mesh is pretty much done at this point - so the design is finalized... but still need to UV her dress and texture it properly so it pops more in game, and detail all the metallics in a way consistent with Genshin style (may not occur before release TBH). After that, a bunch of weight painting will need to happen to get her moving right - some tricky spots, but it should mostly work quite well based on what I have planned.




Wow, looks very nice so far!


I see that core! Nice one!