Sparkle Trickster Witch Pasties (Censored Gallery) (Patreon)
2024-11-09 05:31:03
Sparkle Trickster Witch Pasties (Download)
Sparkle Trickster Witch Pasties (Uncensored Gallery)
Designed, Modelled and Textured by LewdLad & Never Sharkcat
Additional texturing, coding and modelling assistance by Never from LewdModdingTeam
Sparkle's Trickster Witch series makes another appearance! This time with some cute & lewd pasties with little bells on them. Gotta make sure we know she's not sneaking about~
This one's a simpler release for today, but I've also added something new; a slightly bigger hat! Why? Uh, I thought it'd be funny? Honestly I kind of don't remember why I added it but she has a slightly bigger hat as a toggle option now, so enjoy!
More Yanagi stuff is in the works so stick around for that!
'Y' to toggle Hat (3 variants)