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So, no doubt a lot of players are having a go at Wuthering Waves now that it's out, and some of you are probably having a lot of fun with it!

I've got about 10 or so hours in it myself - I'm enjoying it, while at the same time recognizing that it's very very Genshin like.

What's not Genshin like about it is the current lack of high quality lewd mods - and I do intend to rectify that.

The current state of WW modding is to no one's surprise very early and experimental. Although it uses Unreal Engine - it's a custom UE, which necessitates talented people to crack the signature that particular version of UE signs the game packages with... Additionally, it seems to have a bunch of custom engine code that needs to be reversed engineered so that the models and materials can compile properly. All in all, it's going to be a tough road ahead.

But luckily for us, we also have the 3DMigoto pathway, which is what Genshin and Star Rail uses. This method takes information directed at the video card and injects custom model/texture data, as we're familiar with. This pathway has a bunch of its own challenges, but seems to have progressed further at this point - custom meshes have been demonstrated, while the hunt for some specific issues and hashes remain (e.g. doing faces/facial animations, trying to find the flashing texture that occurs at LOD transition).

It seems like things are progressing well at this early stage - the 3DM pathway looks more promising, and Silent, Spectrum and the rest of the talented tools devs are working hard on recreating the tools that help make the overall modding process much easier to deal with (and thus makes the overall modding community much more active).

At the current rate, we might expect to see working tools for the rest of us in 2-4 weeks... so until then, I'm just gonna sit tight and do nothing!

But once they're done, I'll make at least one mod to test the waters - if it's onerous, difficult, or gamers lose interest, then I'll revise my mod making strategy again, but hey, promising days ahead!

Also, I love that story skip button so much! :P


  • Very early and experimental/low quality mods available.

  • High quality mods still require the development of tools

  • Those tools are estimated at 2-4 weeks until early availability.

  • I'll mod once those tools are ready - by making a lewd female MC, and we'll see how things go from there.



Started playing Wuwa and I gotta it's truly amazing. Just wish the mods could be better. So ofc we gotta wait for the tools and other updates from the game itself to see were we are heading.


I would like to Nominate Taoqi for the first mod after Female Rover ofc.